The Girls' Investigation

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Back in Malibu, Sam, Alex and Clover were in much better spirits than they had been over the last week. The day at Mali-U had gone by with ease and now that their classes were over for the day, the girls were currently treating themselves at the new 'FAB' salon at the Groove.

The new shop acted as both a beauty parlour and a hair salon, so while Clover was enjoying getting a much-needed manicure, Sam and Alex were getting their hair done. Sam was just getting her hair generally well washed and combed, whereas Alex had decided to try out a new look for her hair. She was not planning to get rid of her traditional bob cut look, rather she was trying something different for the next few weeks to help take her mind off her still-healing injuries. She had decided on a wavy curls style that was similar to one she had once tried on the WOOHPtanic, though this time she was hoping not to lose it to another of Jerry's surprise initiative tests.

 She had decided on a wavy curls style that was similar to one she had once tried on the WOOHPtanic, though this time she was hoping not to lose it to another of Jerry's surprise initiative tests

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"Wow, that's cute," remarked Alex at her reflection in the mirror when the stylist had finished doing the girl's new perms. "What do you think, Sammy?"

Sam looked across at Alex's new look and gave an encouraging smile. "Looks great to me, Alex. I generally prefer your old look, but still, very nice."

On the other side of the room, Clover's manicure was also finished and she was now looking at her done-up nails with profound satisfaction. "Awesome! This is like the coolest nail do-over I've ever had!"

Feeling much more refreshed after their makeover, the girls paid for their respective beauty treatments before wheeling themselves across the Groove to grab a bite to eat.

"Say, I wonder if it's a good time to find out how Britney and our moms are doing," wondered Alex.

"Yeah, we haven't heard a peep from them since they got going to help deal with this total crisis," added Clover.

"Well, let's call Jerry and find out," said Sam, before opening up her compowder. A few seconds later, a rather dishevelled and tired-looking Jerry appeared on the holographic screen.

"Whoa, Jerry! Are you okay?" asked Alex in concern.

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you girls," said Jerry wearily. "It's just been rather anarchic down here with all the apprehending missions going on. In anticipation of your next question, your mothers and Britney are doing just fine. As a matter of fact, they've just managed to successfully recapture Valentine and the Ringmaster's little gang."

"That's great news, Jerr," said Sam. "So who's left to find?"

"Well, our various agents are reporting some good progress in tracking down most of the escaped villains, but I'm afraid there's currently no sign of the two most dangerous escapees, one of whom is Geraldine Husk."

The girls looked at each other with some considerable looks of alarm on their faces.

"Oh no! We'll be in serious trouble if she decides to come after us now," said Clover fretfully, remembering all the times that particular evil mastermind had attempted to destroy everyone at WOOHP, particularly the girls!

"Indeed," said Jerry, "which is why since their respective missions are now complete, I've now assigned your mothers, along with Britney, to guard Geraldine's island barge, in case she tries to recapture it and use it as her headquarters again. If nothing else, they might find a clue as to where else she may be hidden."

"Okay, but what about the saboteur who caused all this? Have you been able to find out who he is?" asked Alex.

"Okay, but what about the saboteur who caused all this? Have you been able to find out who he is?" asked Alex

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"Unfortunately not. The two stunned security personnel have recovered and given a description of the intruder, but with all our top agents spread across the country, we haven't been able to find anyone qualified enough to run a proper investigation."

"Tell you what, Jerry," said Sam. "As soon as we grab a bite to eat here, why don't the three of us look around the security room and see if we can find anything that can tell us who we're dealing with."

"Yeah, at least then we'd be able to help in some way," agreed Clover determinedly.

"Please, Jerry! It would certainly beat having to keep sitting on the side-lines," implored Alex, all too keen for a bit of action.

Jerry opened his mouth to protest, but such was the imploring expressions on the girls' faces that he finally relented.

"Oh very well. I'll have a WOOHP van come and pick the three of you up in two hours."


"Sheesh, what a mess!" remarked Alex as the girls surveyed the remains of the security room from their wheelchairs. The control panel was still in pieces after the saboteur had smashed it with a chair and all the monitor screens were now non-operational. However, the main computer drive itself seemed intact and undamaged. Getting out her compowder, Sam connected the gadget wirelessly to the drive's database and started to check through the files.

"Whoever this guy is, he sure knew what he was doing," she said. "Before he smashed the controls, he wiped the security recording files for that day, so we've no footage of him that can be scanned for identification."

Glancing about the room, Alex suddenly spotted something amongst the debris on the floor. "Hey, didn't those two guards say that this dude had a toothpick in his mouth?"

She pointed with her finger and sure enough, the girls could see a small wooden stick standing out from the dull grey floor.

"Nice spotting, Alex!" said Clover as she got out the 'Cool Catcher Clue Collector' and used its extendable claw to pick the toothpick up. "Eww, it's got grotty spit all over it!"

"Not to mention dried blood," added Sam thoughtfully. "We might be able to identify our intruder from that."

Sam held out her Scanner Watch and a beam of light shot out from the projector slot and ran over the toothpick, quickly analysing the blood sample and matching it to any similar samples in the WOOHP database. There was a high-pitched bleep as the watch finished its scan and found what the girls were looking for.

"Hey, we've got a match here," said Sam with a grin. Elated by this news, Clover and Alex wheeled themselves to either side of Sam so they could see the results on the watch screen for themselves. An image of a young brown-haired man in his late twenties appeared on the screen and the girls' mouths dropped in shock as they recognised the culprit.

"No way! I don't believe it!" exclaimed Clover.

"Far out! I didn't think it would be him!" added Alex in disbelief.

"And yet, it all makes perfect sense," concluded an equally wide-eyed Sam. "Come on! We've got to warn Jerry!"

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