Project: Robospy

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"So what exactly is 'Project: Robospy', Jerry?" asked Alex as the girls followed their boss into the WOOHP gadget lab.

"Something we've been working on for emergencies like this," explained Jerry cryptically. "The project was put on hold in light of the Protection Droid incident, but we kept the three already built prototypes on standby just in case any of our agents were in serious trouble and needed rescuing."

"Wait, it isn't anything like your 'Spy Droid' project, is it?" asked Clover suspiciously.

"You'll soon see," said Jerry as they made their way to the other end of the lab.

Dean was busy at his workbench when he saw the others approaching. "Hey there girls," he said with a cherry wave. "You ladies feeling any better?"

"Hi Dean," said Sam with a wistful look in her eyes. "Yeah, we would be if it wasn't for the fact that Britney and our mums have just been captured by the bad guys!"

"I'll explain the details later, Dean. Now, are the prototypes operational?" asked Jerry.

"Yeah, they'll all powered up and ready for use, Jerry," answered Dean as he pulled open the doors to a connecting storage unit. Inside, the girls could see what looked liked three shiny suits of hi-tech armour, sleek in design with a bit of a feminine look about them. Each of the helmets were completely smooth, with what seemed to be a display screen placed where the face would be, and there also appeared to be jetpacks built into the back of the three figures. They were also each coloured differently, with one suit being a shiny green, the second a deep scarlet, and the last being a yellowish gold colour.

"Whoa, what are those things? Leftover props from the last 'Iron Man' movie?" asked Alex.

"Oh, these aren't movie props, girls," explained Jerry, "though I will admit, the inspiration did come from those Marvel films. You see, these are in fact fully functioning spy robots, which act and move like a human being. They also have in-built jetpacks and a variety of gadgets designed for various situations."

"So basically, it is a variation of the Spy Droid project," said Sam wearily.

"So you're going to use these robots to save Britney and our moms?" asked Clover. "How do we know they won't go berserk like how the Spy Droids and 'Mr X's' Protection Droids did?"

"Because you three girls will be controlling them remotely via these virtual reality headsets," answered Dean as he held up a large metal helmet for the spies to see

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"Because you three girls will be controlling them remotely via these virtual reality headsets," answered Dean as he held up a large metal helmet for the spies to see. "When connected, it'll be like your minds are inside the robots, though in reality, you'll simply be seeing things through the video link to the helmets. When you need your robot to do a specific movement, you simply think the command and the machine will react automatically."

"Well let's give it a try then," said Sam as she picked up one of the helmets from the bench and put it over her head, the visor obscuring her face entirely. Suddenly, the green robot sprung to life and an image of Sam's face appeared on the display screen of the robot's head.

"Wow, this is amazing!" said Sam, hearing her words coming through on the robot's modulated speaker systems. She, or rather the robot version of her, took a step forward and practiced a few battle stances, astounded at the speed and grace of the metal automaton. Impressed, Clover and Alex put on their own headsets and as it was with Sam, their own faces appeared on their respective robotic counterparts.

"Whoa, this is like so weird!" exclaimed Alex. "It's like I've been body-swapped with a machine."

"Well not really, girls, your minds are still safely in your own bodies here, controlling things via virtual reality. We've had to work hard to make sure these headsets don't cause any problems like the training helmet did with Britney," said Dean.

"Now I should warn you spies, the robots worked all right in simulation, but we haven't yet tested them out in the field, so we've no idea how they'll perform," said Jerry with a note of caution in his voice.

"Well, you know what they say," said Clover. "There's nothing like a trial by fire."

"Well if you feel ready, then it's time to blast off!" said Jerry as a hatchway opened above the three Robo-Spies. The girls quickly directed their mechanical avatars to activate their jetpacks via control pads placed on each of the robots' wrists, and within seconds, the robots were flying through the tunnel towards the exit access.

"Awesome!" exclaimed the girls as they directed their robot-selves to fly out of the building and zoom unwaveringly towards Geraldine's island, hoping that they would be in time to save their mothers and Britney in time.


Meanwhile on the barge, Britney and the girl's mums had been unceremoniously dumped onto a loading trolley and were now being wheeled down a long passageway towards Geraldine's missile silo. When they got there, the four spies could not help but look in awe at the sheer scale of the shiny cylindrical missile, which was about half the size of a NASA Apollo rocket and dominated the large cavern of the fake volcano. At the top of the 'volcano', a large metal flap, that had previously covered the hole of the sierra and hidden the missile from view, had now slid open to reveal the clear evening sky. Presumably, the death-dealing missile would be launched through this hatchway like a bullet being fired through a gun-barrel, before being directed on its course to destroy WOOHP.

"Quite impressive, isn't it?" smirked Tad as he pushed the trolley down a gangplank and through an open hatch in the rocket. The spies turned their heads to see that they were in some kind of storage compartment for the missile, possibly for spare explosives to be installed. As soon as the trolley was in the centre of the chamber, Tad jammed on the trolley's brakes and started to make his way back to the gangplank.

"You know what's funny?" remarked Tad with a cruel grin. "When I first met the girls, I ended up being the one chained up to a death-dealing rocket. Now you three are about to go through the same harrowing experience as I did, only this time those precious girls of yours won't be coming to the rescue."

"You'll never get away with this!" snapped Stella defiantly as Tad stepped out of the missile and began to close the hatchway door.

"Oh, if I had a dollar for every time someone said that phrase, I'd be a billionaire," chuckled Tad before he slammed the metal door shut and locked it in place.

"All right, how are we going to get out of this one?" asked Carmen as she and the others struggled frantically against the tight chains binding them together.

"I wish I knew," said Britney anxiously, looking around the chamber for something, anything, that could help them escape. "Those creeps made sure to remove every single one of our gadgets, including our compowders, so we can't even send a warning to WOOHP."

"Well, Carmen and I did try to call Jerry before Tad caught us," remembered Stella. "Hopefully, everyone at WOOHP will have already realised something is wrong and are sending someone to rescue us as we speak."

"I really hope so," said Gabby fretfully, "because this missile will be launched in just a matter of minutes, taking us along with it! And when it hits Los Angeles, we'll be blown sky-high, along with our daughters, WOOHP headquarters and the entire city!"

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