Chapter 25: If Stars Could Fall

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I looked around at the palace and came to the conclusion Rachael was A LOT richer than I was. Gold, silver, platinum and magnificent gemstones of every color glittered and gleamed from their places on the white marble and large circular windows adorned the walls looking out onto the fields of wild flowers. The lamps were embellished with immaculate jewels that sparkled like small shining suns. We walked along the halls, gems glinting, catching the light and throwing it back into the world, the light, tainted with the vibrant colors of the jewels. Multicolored hues painted the walls, as we walked down the hall toward two tall birch doors with fantastical symbols carved into the wood. With a swift push, the doors swung open revealing two arguing people, both with shining tiaras on their heads. The younger looking one of the two looked over, bleach blonde curls bouncing up in own as she turned. Her green eyes pierced into mine, before darting to Georgia's.

"What are the mutts doing here?" she asked Rachael venomously.

"MUTTS?! Mutt? As in dog? I'm a flipping Werecat! Got that Miss High-and-Mighty? WereCAT. CAT!" Georgia seethed.

"Rachael control you're pets if you're going to bring them inside." The rude blonde said.

A loud roar bounced off of the high ceiling and immediately I knew what was about to happen. Phasing quickly, I jumped in front of the illustrious royal, tackling the angered werecat to the ground. Roars, mews, and growls emitted from the two of us as we fought for dominance. Finally I had enough and let it be known.

'STOP IT!' i shouted at her through the mind link.

We both froze, standing perfectly still in the center of the room breathing heavily, golden brown piercing blue as we glared at each other.

'Shift.' was all I said before turning human once more.

I didn't know if Georgia had shifted back yet but I had a bone to pick with the royal in front of me.

I turned toward the girl seething,"I may have saved you once but don't think I'll do it again. Next time you insult her", I said gesturing towards Georgia, " It'll be me ripping out your throat."

With a quick grin I resumed my position facing the queen who, despite the circumstances, seemed completely calm. The Queen smiled back kindly looking over us, as her eyes stopped on Rachael a displeased frown formed on her face.

"Rachael what did I tell you about wearing your gown when your in this realm?" She asked.

"Mom you know how I feel about the dresses." Rachael complained.

"Rachael you know how I feel about the back talk" The queen mocked.

"Whatever mom." She responded.

"Now, Myra apologize to her." The Queen ordered.

"Why should I? They're a weaker species they aren't even magical beings, just animals trapped in human bodies." She sneered.

Melanie scoffed from behind us reminding me of her existence, "Oh please Myra, you aren't a "magical being" either. You're adopted. You were an unwanted snake without a home, mother only took you in from the kindness of her heart, otherwise you would still be living in Esroland Forest."

Myra looked as though she were about to cry, her pupils dilated and turned to slits, forest green scales formed around her eyes and hands , and a forked tongue poked out from between her lips and with loud hiss she tackled Melanie to the ground, screams screeches and hisses emitted from the two struggling on the ground I lurched foreword toward them but stopped and watched as Myra sunk two fangs into Melanie's neck. Melanie screamed in pain pushing off her younger "sister".

"O-Oh my G-God..." Rachael said running up to her older sister.

Rachael applied pressure to the wound and i watched as she started panicking becoming more and more desperate every passing second.

"Help me. Help me please! SOMEONE FUCKING HELP!" she screamed as her sisters eyes grew dimmer.

Coming to my senses i rushed foreword freezing the wound over. It would give us more time to work.

"Do you have a Doctor?" i asked the queen.

She nodded her head staring at her dying daughter with a look of complete and utter shock.


She ran out of the room, looking for once completely shaken. I looked over at Georgia and my blood ran cold. she was standing above a beaten and bloodied Myra, her hands were blood covered and her eyes were black she raised one clawed hand about to strike the princess on the floor.

"Georgia, don't. Just walk away." I told her. she met my eyes, growling, and turned her gaze down to Myra.

"Why should I walk away from this monster? All she does is destroy, she's a hypocritical killing machine." her voice came out raspy and growling.

"We can't decide her fate Georgia." I said taking a step closer to her.

"We can't, but I can." she said.

"No. That's Wyntr talking, not you Georgia, we both know how prideful Wyntr can get." I said.

"I don't care anymore. Let me kill her." She said.



We trudged back to the portal. Georgia had lost contol and almost murdered Myra, Melanie was ok after the surgeon fixed her up and gave her some anti-venom, but now we were on our way back to Ezea {Earth}. I glared at the waterfall and underbrush that Blair inhabited, knowing full-well this time what was in the cover of the shadows. We walked through the tunnel once again, but this time we didn't stop to look around, we walked foreword and once we reached the end of the tunnel we emerged back into a night covered Ezea.

"MINIONS UNITE!" I heard someone scream, and with a roll of my eyes I walked over to the sound of Sarah's voice.

"What do you want this ti-" I began, however I was cut off by a loud bang of something hitting the ground and a blindingly white light.

The whole pack seemed to have gathered around whatever fell out of the sky. I walked over pushing through the throng of people to see a girl on the ground. Long silver hair fanned out in a halo around her head, and her pale skin shimmered in the light of the moon. A long flowy black dress cascaded around her, sparkling with every breath she breathed. Scarlett (hey look she's back :D) pushed through the group of people until she stood before the girl. Her eyes snapped open and she looked up at the clouds with two, wide starry eyes. Pink, purple, blue and green hues swirled together in her irises and specks of white light decorated them, forcing the viewer into the false assumption that they were looking at the midnight sky and not the eyes of the girl before them. She was beautiful, no doubt about it.

"What the fuck, who da hell is this?" Sierra said.

"My name is Satareh you remember me right Sarah?" She asked.

"I-I don't remember I'm sorry.." She responded.

The girl looked down, a solitary tear falling down her face "O-Oh that's alright..."

"So what are you?" I asked.

"A star." She said "A fallen star."


Hope you enjoyed guys! I really liked writing this chapter i hope you like Satareh i like her. So Yeah...


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