Chapter 13: Here We Go...

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Georgia and I walked to my room, Hunter was following us at a distance but he could still hear us talking.

"So how are we gonna get away from the mutt?" Georgia questioned quietly.

"On the count of three, run down the hall screaming and wave your hands around like a maniac." I whispered.

"One...two...THREE!!!" I said yelling the last number.

We both ran down the hall as fast as we could screaming and waving our hands around, I could hear heavy footfalls from behind and knew Hunter was following us. We rounded a corner and I saw an open window I motioned Georgia to the window.

"JUMP!" I screamed.

"I'm going down, I'm yelling TIMBER!" She began to sing but I pushed her out on timber.

I began to jump but as I did I was pulled back into the window by none other than Hunter "party pooper" Wolfe. I shifted into the house cat version of myself and clawed at his arms, yowling. If you didn't know we were mates or about weres in general, you would think I was just a bad tempered house cat about to be thrown out of a window by my attractive owner. I figured that I would give something a shot and shifted back into my human form, turning in his arms to where I was facing Hunter, without giving any warning at all I kissed him passionately, he responded immediately kissing me back with the same amount of passion and then he pulled back and stared into my eyes hungrily.

"This was all a distraction wasn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said smiling.

What Hunter hadn't noticed when we were kissing is that Georgia had slipped back inside and run into a bathroom to grab a bucket. She now had it hovering over his head. It contained ice cold water and Georgia had a giant, mischievous grin plastered on her face. Hunter looked up and grimaced.

"Oh you little-" Hunter began before being interrupted by the freezing water being poured all over him.

He looked at me and I knew all he was seeing was red.

"Run." he said.

With that, we both hightailed out the window and shifted into house cats midway down. Our landing was graceful resulting only in a muffled thud. Georgia and I barreled toward the forest in our big cat forms. Georgia, a black puma with gold highlighting her spots, and me, in my striking snow leopard form. We ran deep into the forest and collapsed laughing on the orange-leaf covered floor. Sprawled out in silence (now in our human forms), we listened to the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the wind.

After a while, Georgia said,"You know what?"

"What?" I replied.

"I've been working on my pickpocketing skills." She propped herself up onto her elbows and winked maniacally at me.

"So?" I said with interest creeping into my voice.

"Wanna go buy a dress?" We exchanged wide grins and hopped to our feet. We 'borrowed' Hunter's silver Lamborghini and took off to the city where the people were plentiful.

🌆🌃🌆 In the Cityyyy 🌆🌃🌆

Georgia nudged into a businessman on his phone as we walked along a street lined with shops. "So you and Hunter," she paused. "Y'all are cool now?" She said as she flipped through the businessman's wallet.

"Yup. It kinda just happened,"I said nonchalantly as Georgia discreetly took someone's wallet.

We walked in silence for a while until Georgia said to me,"Hey, watch this." We were nearing a man six inches taller than us. His width would have to be three of my waist lines combined. I held my breathe anticipating what she was going to do. She tapped the shoulder farthest from her and he turned to see no one. While he was distracted Georgia slipped the wallet out of his back pocket and we moved around him.

"HEY THAT'S MY WALLET!" The man yelled.

"RUN!!" I shouted.

We darted in and out of tourist's ways each one yelling their own exclamations. We made a b-line down an alley and ducked behind a dumpster and stayed silent for about 5 minutes, the man shouted and ran past us at least 4 times, never noticing us. We both darted out from behind the dumpster and headed straight for a dress store. I went to the very back of the store looking at all the dresses that we passed. My eye was caught by a sleek, midnight blue, gown with sheer fabric over the long, silk body.

"I WANT!!!" I screamed causing about 4 people look over at me with annoyed expressions.

I ran over to the dress and looked at the price tag eagerly, it was 1,200 dollars.

"How much is it?" Georgia asked expectantly.

"1,200 dollars... Did you find one you like?" I asked.

"Yea... this one." she said pointing over to a dress rack.

A deep raspberry pink, mermaid dress with ruffles on the skirt. It was cute.

"How much is it?" I asked.

"$949.00." She responded.

"How much do we have?" I asked.

She shuffled through the wallets for a moment as she counted the money.

"4,000 dollars!" She exclaimed.

"Thank Jesus! We have enough!" I said.

We waltzed over to our dresses snatched them off the racks and ran to the checkout line. On our way home we blasted music and sang along off pitch.

So guys I'm really sorry about the delay... I guess I had my little vacation from writing. hope y'all enjoy the book!




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