Chapter 22: The Fox and the Wolf

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~Georgia's P.O.V~
I looked over at Everett meeting his gaze and then looked at the new couple, he followed my eyes before raising his eyebrows as if to say, "I know right, you know a person for 5 seconds and then all of a sudden BAM! Mate.".
"So, I assume you're not a werewolf because of the little light show you just preformed right there, so what the fuck are you?" I asked.
She separated from her new found mate before responding "A Kitsune."
"A kitsune? As in a fox with several tails from Japanese folklore capable of producing lightning or fire?" Abby asked, making all of us turn to her with raised eyebrows.
"What? I learn this stuff from anime (and teen wolf :D)!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah actually, that's pretty much exactly what I am." Sierra said with a slight shrug.
"Show us then." I said.
She sighed dragging herself away from Aiden. We watched as her bones contorted and cracked forming a fox the size of a normal wolf, with three tails. Her fur was completely black besides the red tribal markings on her shoulders, tails, and head. She looked over at a tree and we jumped back as a bolt of lightning struck it, sending splintered pieces of it flying through the air. I looked to her, then to the now crackling blackened stump, and back to her again.
Slow clapping sounded from behind our small group, we turned to see them and were met with the sight of our Canadian friend and a Hispanic guy I had never met before, both hanging from a tree upside down.
"Hey Rachael, hey Ed." Abby said. ((You forgot about these characters didn't you))
I looked at Abby, a confused expression on my face, as if to say 'who da fuq is he?''. She obviously got my unspoken question and moved towards this 'Ed' character.
"Group meet Ed. Ed meet Group. there now everybody knows everyone. He's half shapeshifter, I met him when I was looking for Hunter." She said.
"Can we go home now?" Everett asked, finally speaking up.
"Yeah, sure, lets go." Aiden said leading us to the left.
"Wrong way Aiden!" I called over my shoulder.
And with that we went on our way to the Pack House.
Short chapter, I know. I just wanted to update... so yeah now you know what Sierra is... so question of the day who is our favorite character? And also, which protagonist would you like to kill off?
So yeah. bye.

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