Chapter 2: Late Night Stroll

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Chapter 2: Late Night Stroll

I was sitting at the dinner table with my mom, dad, brother, and his girlfriend when I decided to tell about Hunter knowing. I was terrified at what her reaction would be; I figured it would be shock, anger, or confusion.

"Mom a boy knows about us being rouges." I said quickly.

"How did he -" she asked. Hmmm there is the shock.

"He asked if I was one." I finished.

"How did he know!" She shrieked. There is the anger.

My family well... we're rouges. We had to flee our pack a year ago when my parents tried to kill the alpha... they were protecting me...

"I don't know he smelled so good though..." I tried to stop the sigh that came out of my mouth but couldn't.

"Ah" I sighed. Sarah my brother's girlfriend raised an eyebrow.

"So what are we gonna do? What if he tries to take me back to Him!" I said with a terrified expression on my face.

"Shh sweetie don't say that, he won't!" my mom said rubbing my shoulder. I couldn't go back, never again.

You see I'm a werecat, werewolves look down upon us because all we can do I turn into a little house cat.

"Well I'm going to bed, goodnight love y'all." I said.

When I got to my room, I had no real intension to go to bed. I stood in front of the mirror staring at my reflection average height, skinny with long dirty blonde hair that reaches down my back in a fish tail braid with bright blue eyes, long eyelashes, and medium sized lips. I have to admit I am ok looking. I did my normal phasing routine but this time when I looked back to the mirror I was replaced with a large white leopard.

'Well... that's new...' I thought.

"Wow... What are you?" Someone asked.

I turned around to see Hunter Wolfe outside my window. I ran into my closet, just big enough for my feline form to fit, closed the door and phased back. Wow good thing I did that I thought as I looked for some decent clothes to put on my now bare body. I finally found my favorite outfit, a light blue sweatshirt with a black cat decal sitting on the pocket and ripped jean shorts. I stepped out of my closet now completely clothed, and into my bedroom where Hunter decided to let himself in through my window.

"You're incredible." He said staring at me.

"No, I'm not," I said blushing.

"Yeah you are. Will you come for a walk with me?" He asked hesitantly

"Sure." I answered.

"Are we going to be phasing anymore?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yep." He answered smugly.

"Ok give me a second." I said as I walked back into my closet and got a T-shirt and jeans in and put the clothes I had been wearing before in a duffle bag.

"Wait do you need clothes." I asked.

"No I brought backup." He said.

"Okay let's go." I said and we jumped out my window.

****fast forward!!****

"So are we far enough into the woods yet?" I asked.

"Yeah this is good enough." He said.

I walked over to a tree and hung my bag on one of the low hanging branches. I closed my eyes and pictured a leash coming off my inner cat. When I opened my eyes, a big black wolf with glowing blue eyes was sitting in front of me. I looked down and saw two paws and a long white tail. I felt free again.... Then I heard a voice in my head.

'Wow she's beautiful.' It said.

'What, who said that?' I asked.

'Who said that?' The voice asked.

I looked at Hunter his head was tilted to the side like a confused puppy. I stared ahead at Hunter wondering

'Hunter is that you?' I asked.

'Yes! The link formed!' He said wagging his tail.

I walked around him and looked him over. He had a sleek black coat with white on his paws so it looks like he stepped into a fresh can of paint. I thought about what to do with him. Hmm I guess this'll work I said as I decided what I was going to do. I walked straight up to him and slapped him with my paw.

'What the-?!' he exclaimed.

'Muhahaha.' I laughed evilly.

'I think its time I walk you home, furball.' My newfound mate said.


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