Chapter 3: Strange Dreams

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Authors note: sorry about the delay I wrote 10 chapters of this one way then decided to change it last second so I've had to edit all of them... so I hope you enjoy see ya!
Chapter 3: Strange Dreams

When we got home I climbed up and through my window, Hunter followed but stopped at the threshold. I turned around and looked into his dazzlingly blue eyes and thought about how he was the other half of my soul, and I was his. If someone had told me that my soulmate was Hunter Wolfe two days ago, I would have thought they were crazy but now it seems like the only right decision I've made in my entire life.

'Am I really his mate?' I thought.

'Of course you are.' Said Hunter through our bond.

"So...we're a couple now?" I asked.

"Um yeah I- I think so." Hunter said.

"I guess this is goodnight, huh?" He asked sadly.

"Yeah I guess..." I said disappointedly.

"Well goodnight, sweet dreams kitty cat." He said with a smug smile on his face.

"Goodnight, kujo." I said playfully.

He was about to leave but quickly turned around, put his hand on my cheek and kissed me on the lips. My eyes widened then drifted closed as the warmth of his embrace showered over my body. He pulled away and I longed for him to kiss me again, his hand still on my cheek, he stayed there for a moment and studied my face as if he were looking at it for the last time then he kissed me on the cheek.

"Goodnight kitty cat I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." He said.

"I love you too, wolf man." I replied.

After he left I walked to my bed and fell into it, drifting off into a deep sleep filled with dreams of running through the woods with my mate.

Soon my dreams slid to nightmares.

I was running through the forest Hunter was no where to be seen but something was behind me something strange, something I had seen once before, it was like a nightmare on earth, it felt evil. I felt a hand close on my shoulder, it's touch burned like fire on my flesh then its nails extended into my arm, I turned around and jumped away in fear from the being in front of me. It had white, marred skin, with deep blood red irises, it's teeth were yellow and pointed, he had sharp fingernails like what witches in a story book, he was completely bald and he was smiling at me, a crazed look in his blood red eyes. He was a rouge vampire.

"Hello pretty girl." He said his voice gruff.

I backed away into a tree, a new fear overwhelmed me, that I would never see my family or my mate again. He approached me slowly, I was shaking now. He was 3 inches away from my face now, his breath smelled of blood and decaying meat, I gagged at the stench. He raised and clawed arm to strike and right as it was about to hit me... I woke up.

I looked around my dark room, and saw the nightmare man from my dream he was at my window looking in I had left it open after I got home. He was coming in there were two more behind him. All three of the vampires were in my room now, then they saw me and I froze demonic grins on their faces, showed off the ugly teeth they had. I got up slowly and kicked one square in the chest. My brother and Sarah stormed into the room in their pajamas. An annoyed expression on Sarah's face turned into fear and anger when she saw the monsters. My brother and sister in law opened a can of butt kick on those monsters, Josh threw one out the window after tearing off its arms and legs and Sarah broke the last one's neck then threw it out a window.

"Come on." My brother said.

"Where are we-" I said before being so rudely interrupted by Sarah.

"Your moms room." We walked briskly down the hall and into my parents room they were pacing.

"Vampires?" My mom asked.

"Yeah three of them. And mom..." I said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"They were rouge." I said.

Authors Note:
Hey guys so what do you think about the rouge vampires? and don't get mad at me for the dialog spacing, this is my first time!!!anyway y'all I hope you like it I work hard on these chapters, but I do need a little help with some ideas y'all so if you could just comment those I will be sure to take a look at them! byeeeeeee
(P.s disregard any spelling errors plz.)

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