Chapter 17: New Information

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~~~~ABBY'S P.O.V~~~~

It's been 3 days since Hunter and Georgia were kidnapped by Regina, and I've decided to go to Artemis for help.

"Artemis!" I called out in the middle of the secret grove.

"Ya?" said a voice from behind.

I turned and found two silver eyes staring back into mine, I yelped and stumbled back from Artemis tripping over a log in the process sending me tumbling towards the pond, I landed with a splash in the water stirring the usually calm surface and scaring the large koi and tiny neon fish. I shot her a playful glare from the water as she burst out laughing.

"You- you should've-AHAHA-seen your face!" she managed to choke out in between fits of laughter.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I said.

By this time she was rolling around on the ground clutching her stomach, her eyes were watering and she was wheezing which in turn made me laugh as hard as her, see let me explain something to you... I snort if I laugh to hard and I can't control it so don't judge it's my effing laugh bro, if it bothers you well too bad, sue me! Any way I laughed letting out a snort, she paused and looked at me weirdly then laughed even harder.

"Artemis," she paused and looked up still giggling. "I need to ask you some questions." I said.

"Alright, ask away." She said.

"First I've been sorta confused for a while about this, why do Scarlett and I have powers?" I asked.

"Alright so you know how I create every living werewolf?" she responded.

"Um yeah." I said not knowing where this was going.

"Okay well my twin brother Apollo creates werecats, anyways before you were born we got into an argument about who was the stronger creator, Apollo or me, and so we placed a bet, the bet was as follows, since God had already planned for there to be an evil witch rise above all of the supernaturals and 'takeover' so to speak, my brother and I would try to make two powerful creatures to defeat her the one who kills her wins, but to turn the tables even more he had to make a werewolf while I had to make a werecat, you are my creation and I gave you your powers Apollo gave Scarlett hers. But there was a catch,"

"There always is." I said with a roll of my eyes.

"One of the creations would die and the other would live, absorbing the deceased's powers and becoming the most powerful Were in the world." she finished.

"Ok, life and death situation then... question 2, since God exists how are you a god?" I asked.

"I'm not, I'm an angel. So are the other so called gods." She explained simply.

"Alrighty then, thank you for the info but I need to go." I said.

"Abigail before you go I must warn you.." She said.

"About what?" I asked.

"There is a traitor amongst you, one that you would never expect..." she said to me.

"Who?" I asked.

"I cannot tell you, you have to find out for yourself." She said.

-_-_-_- time skip bruh -_-_-_-

I walked back to the pack house with a new found anger bubbling inside of my chest, and I noticed a certain nymph hybrid heading into the darkest part of the forest. being half cat curiosity obviously got the better of me and I followed her, sneaking behind her as house cat. when we arrived at a small dark clearing I watched as two rouges came into the light and Siren handed off information to them discussing things as well. After they left I was distracted by a butterfly an looked away, I looked back to where she was and saw nothing, she had disappeared... until I was pushed roughly in the ground with a knife to my throat by none other then Siren, my ex best friend who I had decided to stay "friends" with.

"You know what the say, curiosity killed the cat." she said her once green eyes changing to red and an evil grin coming to her face, as she was going to drag the blade across my throat a shocked expression was plastered onto her face and warm sticky liquid slowly dropped onto my shirt.

"But pleasure brings it back." Said my brothers girlfriend as she pulled the katana blade out of Siren's chest, instead of slumping to the ground like I assumed she would she glowed a blue-green light and disappeared floating around he blade of the katana and up into Sarah's arms. When the light faded she had little scales on her legs that shone and then disappeared, fading back to her normal skin.

"So you're now Sarah the badass?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yep." she said extending her hand down towards me and helping me up.

"What was that with your legs a minute ago?" I asked.

"I dunno, but I heard someone whisper 'powers absorbed' to me so what was she?" she asked.

I grinned wide remembering that the dead Siren was Sarah's favorite supernatural. "A mermaid." I said.

Her grin was the same size as mine as she looked over at me. "Wanna go swimming?" she asked.

"Fineeee." I said, and we ran off the the river.


So guys hope you enjoyed this chapter! I was wondering who would read a reader x _____ story? I was leaning towards Jack Frost or Hiccup but I'll see who wants it then decide, who knows I could start a Youtuber x reader book too, taking requests of course ;)





(P.s. please tell me if you guys would enjoy a reader x someone story I really want to write one!!!)


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