Chapter 19: One Late Night...

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~Back to Abby's P.O.V and time skip to late at night~

"a-abby," I heard a barely audible, raspy whisper.

"who's there?" I sat straight up in bed, not completely alert.

"it's-it's me. Hun-hunter"

"Hunter! Thank God you're alright."

"that's an odd way to describe how I'm feeling right now" he chocked out a forced laugh which sent him into a fit of coughs.

There wasn't anything to be seen in the dark of the night but my tears blocked my sight anyway. it was one thing to be hurt, but another to hear someone you love being hurt.

"Hunter it's going to be okay," I reassured him in a confident voice although my heart was breaking.

"Abigail, I lo-," he began. the rest of his sentence was cut off my a shrill yelp of pure terror. Though his thoughts-probably his words too-were directed at someone who had just entered his room, Hunter's words still rang through my skull and the pain rattled around through it like pennies in a tin can. "No! Please! Just, just let me go!" he shouted between grunts, yells, and gasps of agony.

It hurt too much to even begin to imagine what he has to go through.

Like a phone conversation being ended, there seemed to be dead air in my head and surrounding me in my room.

I covered my face in pillows wishing for it all to go away and for Hunter to be right next to me, but we both knew that wasn't going to happen soon.

"I love you, too," I whispered to a void.

~Time skip to three days later~

Sarah, Josh, and I decided to go to the river to search there for a while and began our trek through the woods. When we finally got there Josh, Sarah and I stopped in our tracks. A big horse fish thingy was standing by the riverbed looking into the waters and chatting with a water sprite. The sprite, finally taking notice of us squeaked and turned to a small blue fish and swam briskly down the steam. The fish horse has a long tail that resembled Sarah's with black, silver, grey, and white scales instead of hair, in place of the horses mane was a frilled fin going from it's ears to it's shoulder blades. It's eyes were a striking yellow-green and somewhat slitted like a cat's, and it's hooves had frilled fin feathering (like hair around the hooves but fins) around them. He looked at Josh and I snorted, stomped one foot and showed his pointed teeth before walking over to Sarah and allowing her to put a hand on his nose. She smiled widely and patted him.

"A kelpie." Josh said with a slight twinge of dislike showing through his voice. I gave him a questioning glance and looked ahead at the scaled beast as he tossed his large head and flared his nostrils, obviously quite annoyed with our presence. His yellow eyes flitted from myself to Josh then narrowed.

'Filthy Fire-breather.' The kelpie stated in his head, oblivious that anyone was listening.

"That's kinda rude." I said.

His eyes widened then narrowed as they rested on me. "Your point?" He asked out loud, which kinda surprised me considering Wisp and Shadow had only spoken in my mind.

"Well I mean my brother may be an idiot but he isn't completely filthy." I sai with a shrug of my shoulders.

"What?" My brother said.

I rolled my eyes, "This doesn't concern you Joshua." I said.

He looked at me with bewilderment clear on his face. "You just said that fish-face over here -" The kelpie snorted and stomped one hoof in disapproval of my brother's nickname to him "- called me filthy, and then you tell me it has nothing to do with me!?" He asked incredulously.

"That's right, Dragon-breath." I said.

"What did you call me, Catnip?" he asked a wicked glint in his eyes.

"You heard me dino-guy." I said.

"Cat slut."

"Fire face."

"Elemental asshole!"

"Fire fuck!"

"Both of you shut the fuck up! Josh you're a bitch, Abby you're a whore. there now you're both even." Sarah said.

"And what does that make you?" I said.

"A fucking mermaid!" she said proudly.

"Fish butt." my brother and I said together. We looked at each other, burst out laughing and high fived.

"I never understood humans." the kelpie said with a sigh.

"Eh you probably never will either." I said with a shrug to the big river horse.

"So what's your name?" I asked him.

"Avan, Protector of the River and King of the Kelpies." He said puffing his chest out proudly.

"Ok nice to meet you, but you haven't by chance seen any rouge werewolves and vampires or rebel wizards around lately, have you?" I asked.

"Well three days ago a bunch of vampires and a blonde witch were heading north." He responded.

I grew excited and Aspen stirred for the first time in days. "Thank you!" I said. I sniffed the air once and shifted. I smelled it, something I had been longing to smell for days, Hunter's scent. It was faint but it was there. I roared happily and took off north following the scent.

-time skip brought to you by josh being a fucking dragon-

I ran through the woods passing several dryads and woodland fairies before stopping in my tracks, a seemingly abandoned shack stood in front of me; dead trees surrounded the building and dying grass sprouted up around the rotting wooden house. I walked forward, the fallen leaves crunching underfoot very step I took. I pushed the door open to reveal a sturdy wooden ladder leading down a dark hole. I climbed down the ladder and walked down a dark corridor, I reached a hallway with cells all along the walls. I kept walking along the hallway until I reached one cell in particular, Hunter, Georgia, and Scarlett's scents stopped here. I looked through the bars and saw something I had been missing for a while, Hunter.

He looked away from the wall he was staring at and did a double take. "A-Abby? What the hell are you doing here?! They didn't capture you did they?! I swear to god if one of them hurt you I will rip their fucking heads off-" Hunter rambled. "Hunter no I found this place, oh my god I'm so happy to see you." I said as I held onto his hand through the bars. I watched Hunter's eyes flick to behind me and his face pale, his eyes filled with dread and his hand tightened around mine before someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me away from my mate. I kicked and screamed, but to no avail they carried me away from my mate and down the hall to a room where someone I hoped to never see again stood in the center of the room, my old alpha.


So anyway I'm really sorry about not updating lately an I just want to say something to two people in particular: you know who you are *cough cough* Josh and Sarah *cough cough* you guys need to stop making fun of my flipping writing -.-' it's annoying bro. Stop.

((P.s if your name is josh or Sarah apologies they both know who they are -.-' Love all the rest of my readers byeee))

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