Chapter 8: My Secret Grove

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I looked around uneasily and is admit I was infact... Scared. I hate being scared it always gives you that stupid feeling like you have to run away. I saw that Hunter noticed and quickly hid my uneasiness behind a smile.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said quickly.

I never was a very good liar, but I was relieved when he smiled and took my hand.

"I want you to meet the pack!" He said energetically.

"Um, I won't have to talk to them will I?" I asked timidly.

I have always been a bit on the shy side, and by a bit I mean if I have to do anything that involves personal contact with a human being that I don't usually talk to, then my palms get sweaty, and I feel like I'll throw up. But what's even worse is when I have to talk to a crowd of people. Public speaking is my kryptonite. My knees buckle, palms sweat, and I get light headed.

"Well, yeah you'll have to talk to them!" he said with a duh-that's-how-normal-people-meet look.

"Can we do this tomorrow? I'm tired!" I said with a pout.

'I might be so tired that I could fall asleep with you and very little clothing...' I said mind linking him.

His eyes went from bright blue to pitch black with lust as I finished with that one tiny detail.

"Yeah we can meet the pack tomorrow." He said.

'Gosh boys are sooo easy.' I thought.

We walked into the pack house, and it was huuuge! I walked up the stairs and into a room marked A.Black and H.Wolfe. Hmmmm Hunter and I must be sharing a room. When I walked in, I gasped. It was a beautiful room! There was a big kingsize bed with a silver bed spread and light blue pillows. The walls were a light blue color. On one wall there was a mural painted of a lake with a big white leopard with piercing blue eyes laying laying at the waters edge. A giant black wolf, that resembled Hunter perfectly, stood by it's side looking over it protectively. It was beautiful! Then I was pushed up against the wall. I was shocked at first when I looked up to see Hunter's blue eyes staring back into mine but quickly relaxed.

"Tired huh?" He said with a smirk. "And what's this about boys being sooo easy?" he said with that same smirk plastered on his perfect face.

"The truth." I said staring into his eyes, a smile growing on my face.

At that he smashed his lips into mine in a passionate kiss, our lips moved in unison, he slid his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry, I denied, he then tickled me making me laugh and took that as an advantage to slide his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away, in need of oxygen only to find a freakin cockroach on the floor by our feet. My eyes widened as it moved closer to my feet.

"AHHHHH!!!" I screamed.

I pushed Hunter aside and jumped on to the bed and pointing at the vile creature.

"KILL IT! KILL IT! KILL IT!" I shouted loudly.

"What this little ol' thang?" he said sassily picking it up by its antenna and putting it very, very close to my face.

He was mocking my fear.

"Yes! That! KILL IT PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!!!" I begged getting as far away from the evil little monster as possible.

His eyes turned black again and an evil grin stretched across his face. He set it down squished it, and then went into the restroom and with a paper towel picked it up and threw it away.

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