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[ [ If I told you to stay, would you? ] ]

The ringing of a phone bursts the silence in Jungkook's bedroom. He ignores it and turns to face the other way, pressing his cheek hard against his pillow. When the ringing continues, he angrily takes the phone and rejects the call before silencing his phone and sending their groupchat  a message.

I specifically told all of you to not bother me while I'm away.

So stop. calling. me.

Jin hyung is typing...

Jungkook turns off his phone and carelessly throws the device aside. The phone cracking from the impact was the last of his concerns. He'd just get a new phone. 

He lets out a huff and stares at the ceiling of his room in annoyance, lips pulled into a frown. A  few seconds later, his frown disappears and the annoyance is replaced by an unwelcome sense of negativity.

He's been away from work for the past three days, and he's been spending it trying to sort out his thoughts - or to be more specific, his feelings about a certain blonde haired male. 

Thinking about a specific topic on your own can really do wonders, Jungkook muses, because as a result of the pondering he's done, he'd come to the conclusion that yes, he, Jeon Jungkook, apparently does have a teeny tiny crush on his partner. It just dawned on him while he was trying to finish a level of that stupid nonogram game he found on the play store. He felt so dumb when he finally figured it out. So that's why his heart felt so heavy when he found out Jimin was going to go on a mission that could end badly if something went wrong. He wouldn't even bat an eyelash if it were someone else in his place.

What he doesn't understand is why Jimin readily agreed to the order. Was he so tired of Jungkook that he would rather go than work with him every day? The brunet chuckles drily. Of course he'd grow tired of him. Why wouldn't he? He probably realized that the Jeon Jungkook they feared was just a nobody who got disowned by his family and -

Stop it, Jeon, he mentally scolds himself. Thinking self-deprecating thoughts wasn't going to get him anywhere with Jimin. If he didn't do anything regarding his feelings, how would the older ever know about it? He needs to make his feelings clear, regardless of the outcome. At least he tried his best. But for that, he would need a game plan.

A sudden knock on his front door has him groaning internally. "Who is it?" he calls out, getting off his bed and heading to the door to answer it. His hyungs wouldn't come over if it wasn't anything serious,  especially since they know how much their youngest despises being disturbed on his 'days off' (which only happens once in a blue moon).

"It's Jimin. Can you hurry up and open the door? I never thought anyone could be so slow."

Jungkook falters in his steps. What was Jimin doing here? Despite being a  bit baffled, he doesn't stop until he's right in front of the door, hand hovering over the door's handle. Should he really open the door? He doesn't think he's controlled enough to have a full conversation with Jimin without accidentally blurting out his confession. "Did you miss me so much that you had to come and bother me when I already told you not to?" he asks sarcastically. He's starting to think that sarcasm is his love language.

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