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           [ [ Not Any Other Day ] ]

Jungkook tosses and turns in his bed, brows furrowing in discomfort as he fails to fall back asleep.

He grunts sleepily and blindly reaches out a hand  to locate his phone on the nightstand. He finds it eventually and turns it on to look at the time with droopy eyes.

Jungkook groans as soon as his eyes land on the time.

"Seven...?" He whispers groggily to himself, eyes narrowing slightly in disbelief.

"What the fuck am I doing up so early in the morning?"

He drops his phone back on the nightstand with a loud thud before squeezing his eyes shut, trying to let the darkness embrace him again.

His brain decides to be a little bitch that morning, though, as he is unable to return to dreamland.

There's just this sense of unease building up inside him, which is completely absurd because he doesn't even have a particular reason to be uneasy this early in the morning.

After trying (and failing) to fall asleep several times, a very annoyed brown haired male finally pushes himself up and swings his legs over the side of his bed, mentally coaxing himself to just get up and get ready for the day.

So that's how Jungkook ultimately finds himself shuffling around in his room, hair still slightly wet from the quick shower he just took and feeling a whole lot fresher.

He grabs a plain black tee and slips it on quickly along with a pair of blue skinny jeans and his favourite pair of Timberlands. He looks at the time again and finds that it's only 7.30.

On any other day, he would have woken up at 8.30 and went off to work by 9.30.

But, this day isn't exactly any other day, now, is it?

"I guess a quick trip to the coffee shop won't hurt anybody.."
Jungkook mumbles to himself as he grabs his wallet and phone, ready to get out of the house for the day. He quickly makes his way down the stairs, practically teleporting to the front door from how fast he is.

As soon as he steps out into the outside world, however, he does a quick 180° spin and runs back into his house.

"My watch!"


"What would you like to order, sir?"

The waitress's sudden voice startles Jungkook from his train of thoughts, and he almost yeets his phone out of his hands and to the ground from the scare.

The brown haired male feels himself turning a bright red in mortification as he notices the waitress pressing her lips into a thin line in an attempt to suppress a giggle at his reaction.

He clears his throat, trying to gather what's left of his pride and act nonchalant despite his clearly flushed cheeks.

"I'd like a caramel macchiato, please."

The waitress smiles brightly and nods her head, scribbling down his order onto the small notepad in her hand.

"One caramel macchiato coming right up."

Jungkook receives his order about five minutes later,  the same waitress serving it, of course.

He doesn't miss the flirty wink she sends him as she slips a small piece of paper under his cup, leaving him a slight sway of her hips.

He looks at her retreating form, unblinking, taken aback by what he just saw.

Jungkook carefully picks up the piece of paper and stares at it for a split second before internally sighing.

Another number and name.

Every. Single. Time.

He's so sick of receiving papers from random strangers, 99.9% of the time girls, who want to "get to know him better".

He might not look like it, but he's not straight.

Emphasis on the "not", okay.

Well, maybe he's bi, but he's more attracted to guys?

He faintly remembers a time when he would drool over IU, his idol and crush once upon a time.

Besides, he's always been "too busy focusing on his career to bother his pretty little head about an unimportant thing such as love", as Yoongi puts it.

Jungkook looks at the paper in his hand again before slowly crumpling it into a ball and stuffing it into the pocket of his jeans.

Yoongi's right. He doesn't have time to bother with such a useless thing.


A/N: yeah, this chapter's kinda short but well, I'm a really unorganized person. Like, the first three has been saved in my notes for a month or so and I'm only starting to write it on Wattpad now.

By the way, I think the next chapter is a loooooooong one, so.. :')

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