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         [ [Meet The New Guy] ]

"Jungkook?" Taehyung says, raising an eyebrow at him as soon as he walks in.

"Well; you're earlier than usual."

Jungkook huffs, too lazy to pay attention to his surprised hyung.

"Long story," He mutters, swiftly moving past the latter to get to his office.

The brown haired male arrives in front of his office and is about to open the door when he hears the older male calling out his name.

"What is it, hyung?"
He asks in a tired voice because honestly, getting hit on earlier really destroyed whatever good mood he had in the first place.

And that is what countless amounts of unwanted attention for the past three  years can do to Jeon Jungkook.

"Namjoon hyung originally wanted to set up a meeting at 9:45," Taehyung explains at first. "But since you're already here, I can tell him to move it up and have it in 15 minutes, if that's okay with you."

Jungkook nods without sparing the silver haired male a glance, hand already twisting the doorknob to his office.

As soon as his door closes shut, Taehyung shakes his head in exasperation.

"Aish, this kid really likes to test my patience sometimes."

---15 minutes later---

Jungkook finds himself restlessly drumming his fingers against the armrest of the chair he's currently sitting on.

Four of his teammates are already present, each minding their own business as they "patiently" wait for the last person.

The only person who's still absent is Namjoon himself, and of course, they can't really have a meeting if the leader himself isn't there to start it.

"Cut it out, Kook."
Yoongi's voice suddenly cuts through the silence hanging over them all, startling the youngest from his train of thoughts.

"Sorry." Jungkook says sheepishly, his finger drumming coming to an abrupt stop; he didn't realize how loud it was getting.

"It's fine," The mint haired male mumbles dismissively, looking down to his phone again.

"Just don't do it again."

Jungkook nods obediently, hand instinctively coming up to unclasp the watch he proudly wears on his left wrist (the one he almost left behind at home, ironically).

It's a gold Rolex that he got from Namjoon for his 16th birthday, and he's named it as one of his most (if not the most) prized possessions. He's busy inspecting the watch for any scratches or cracks that he might have overlooked when the door to the meeting room opens, revealing the person they've all been waiting for.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up." Jin says sarcastically.

Namjoon immediately, albeit a bit embarrassed, takes his usual place at the end of the meeting table so he could see everyone clearly.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, guys."
He apologizes beforehand.

"But I'm here now, so we can start the meeting right away."

He quickly glances at everyone before starting to talk.

"So, remember when I told you that we needed another person to strengthen our gang?"
Everyone nods in response, and he continues his words.

"Well, I found the perfect person about a week ago. We're having this meeting because I want to introduce him to the five of you before he starts working here."

Frenemies//Jikook (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now