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(i abandoned this story for so long jesus christ)


   [ [ S is for Surprise Meetings ] ]

"Five," Jungkook says triumphantly as he successfully eliminates one of the men guarding the very vault they were supposed to get into. He smirks although his partner can't even see him, feeling awfully confident that Jimin couldn't have taken down the men as quickly as he could. "How about you, Park?"

Jungkook frowns when he doesn't get a response. "Hey, you there?" The earpiece he wore crackles to life as Jimin's voice reaches his ears. "Yeah, sorry. Went on a kill streak. Eight."

The information successfully wipes the smirk off the brown haired male's face.

"Damn it," he grumbles as he slices another man's throat without batting an eye. "How the fuck does he keep beating me?"

"I can hear you, Jeon."

"Fuck off, Park."


Jungkook had definitely warmed up to Jimin, as far as his five hyungs could see. They still went out of their way to rile each other up, but it's more for entertainment purposes than to actually start a fight.

Said maknae was on the way to the other assassin's office when he heard voices coming from Namjoon's office. He intended to ignore whatever conversation the people inside were having, but the sound of Jimin's voice made him stop in his tracks.

"Do you think you can handle it?" Namjoon's voice asks. "I'll find someone else if you don't want to do it."

"Yeah," comes Jimin's noncahalant reply. "Infiltrate their system and act as a double agent. Simple enough."

"Great," their leader sounds relieved. "Now go and find the others. Tell them we're having a meeting in 30 minutes. We'll inform them of your mission then."

Jungkook feels his chest tighten for some unknown reason. Jimin was going to leave. Jimin was going to- 

The brunet grits his teeth to ground himself and forces himself to leave to avoid getting caught eavesdropping on what was supposed to be a private conversation. Don't think about it, he chastises himself. Just don't.

He heads to his office and plops down on his chair, burying his head in his arms. Taking deep breaths, he tries to gather his scattered thoughts as well as he could, knowing that the ash blonde haired male would be coming to inform him of the meeting in a few moments.

He wasn't wrong.

Jungkook's just managed to control his weirdly uncomfortable emotions when Jimin barges into his room like nobody's business. "Jeon, we got a meeting in 30." He announces in that annoyingly soft voice of his. "Make sure you're not late like last time."

Jungkook hums in response and the blonde frowns at the lack of reaction he receives. "Are you sick or something?" he inquires jokingly, but the younger could sense the concern in his tone. "You're weirdly unresponsive right now."

"I'm fine," Jungkook waves him off. "Have you told everyone else about the meeting?"

"I've told everyone except Taehyung," Jimin says, and Jungkook is quick to reply. "Well, you should go find him then. I'll see you at the meeting, Park."

"Okay," Jimin agrees slowly, like he was hesitant to go, but he turns to leave anyway. "See you there, Jeon."

Jungkook nods and simply watches on as the older male silently slips through the door. As soon as the door closes with a soft click, the brunet heaves a deep, troubled sigh.


"Since this meeting happened on a short notice and I'm sure you all have your own matters to attend to, this is going to be brief." Namjoon says as soon as everyone's seated. "As you all know, our former double agent in the Spy HQ has handed over their position in the agency due to personal reasons. So, I've decided to hand over the mission to Jimin. He'll be disguising as a spy in training and infiltrate their system so any information regarding us can be handled as quick as possible. He'll be leaving in a month when the HQ has their annual registration event. I've already talked to Jimin about this, and he agreed to it, so do any of you have any concerns?"

Jin raises his hand first. "How long will this mission take?"

"Since this is an undercover mission, he will need to climb up the ranks in order to gain their trust. So, assuming that all goes well, this will probably take three years at most. Does that answer your question, Jin hyung?"

After the oldest nods in understanding, Hoseok raises his hand next. "Who will be Jungkook's partner, then?"

"Jimin won't be working there full time, since the Spy HQ alternates their spies at work every day. He'll still be Jungkook's partner on his days off. I'm sure Jungkook can handle a day or two going solo, right, Kook?"

The lack of an answer makes everyone look at Jungkook, who brushes his hair away from his face with a huff at the attention he receives. "Of course I can, hyung. It's not like I haven't been doing solo missions for the last two years."

"Does anyone have any other questions?" Namjoon asks after a few more questions regarding the basic information from Taehyung and Hoseok. He nods after everyone shakes their heads. "Well then, everyone can leave now. Thank you for attending the meeting."

Everyone's just about to rise from their seats when Jungkook stands up abruptly. "I won't be coming here for the next few days, so don't bother looking for me," he informs them bluntly before leaving the room.

Yoongi watches him go with a look in his eyes that the others can't quite decipher, a quite sigh escaping his lips. He pushes himself up and looks around. "Well, I'll be going now. I still have some work to do."

Taehyung grabs Jimin while Hoseok nods in agreement. "Yeah, we'll be going too. Still gotta look over the package to Hongdae. God knows how the Chois are going to react if it doesn't arrive in time."

The four men make their way out of the room too, leaving the leader and the oldest behind.

"Are you sure sending Jimin's the best choice?" Jin asks. "He's been getting along with Jungkook so well."

"Like I said, he won't be at the Spy HQ 24/7, so he'll still be here most days." Namjoon replies calmly. "Besides, he is the best option we have. He used to do long-term undercover missions before he joined us, so this won't be a problem for him."

Jin nods his head after listening to the younger's explanation. "Okay, I trust your judgement." He turns to leave but pauses as he remembers something. "We should keep an eye on Jungkook, by the way. He was acting a bit off earlier."

Namjoon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath after Jin leaves. He doesn't doubt his choice to choose Jimin for the mission, not at all, but sometimes making this kind of decisions really make his head hurt. He hopes everything works out well.


A/N: your girl's backkkk!!! yeah i changed my username cause my sibling's being a snoop lmao. Sorry for the longggggggggg wait, I got sidetracked by other story ideas sksksksk. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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