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   [ [ Desperate Times Call For                  
           Desperate Measures ] ]

"This is all your fault," Jimin accuses angrily, pointing a finger straight at Jungkook.

Because the brown haired male had decided to become a stupid and careless asshole ('who in their right mind would put such an important card in the pocket of their fucking hoodie?!' Jimin thinks furiously), they were pathetically stuck together in this cursed metal room without any way out.

Jungkook scoffs at his words and raises an eyebrow in disbelief, a gesture that simply screams 'are you really doing this right now?'. "How the fuck is this my fault?" He spits out just as harshly, refusing to be the only one to blame. "If anything, it's your fault, Park. I didn't ask you to follow me like a fucking puppy. You were the one who dragged yourself into this, so don't you dare blame me for causing this shit."

Jimin rolls his eyes (although he does realize that Jungkook is right about him being at fault, too) and walks over to a corner of the room, taking a seat on the hard cemented floor, as far as possible from the younger. "Just.. Shut the fuck up and sit quietly. I don't want to talk to you." He mutters, burying his head into his knees and taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

Jungkook is not amused, but stays silent anyway. He's so not in the mood to pick a fight with his rival. He curses himself for leaving his phone in his damn office because now, he has no means of communicating with the others (he's guessing that Jimin also doesn't have his phone, judging by his actions right now). The furious male just goes to the metal sliding doors and tries to pry the doors apart.

His fingers start to ache from the effort, and it's Jimin's voice that brings him back to reality. "Stop that, idiot. You know better than I do about these sliding doors. Your fingers are gonna bruise."

Jungkook growls, a low, primal sound that bubbles up from his throat, and he punches the door in frustration, resulting in a terribly loud bang. Regret flashes in his mind for a split second as pain shoots through his knuckles and he lets out a barely audible hiss.

But in the big and silent room, the sound rings loud and clear.

"Fuck, you're so stupid."
Jimin hisses, highly annoyed. He gets up and walks to the pained younger's side, roughly taking his hand in his smaller ones and inspecting his knuckles. He ignores the fluttery feeling he gets in the pit of his stomach just from the small contact, putting on a stern face instead.

His knuckles are red and a bit swollen, Jimin notes to himself. He must've hit the door harder than he expected. "You're gonna be fine, asshole. It's not that bad." Jimin says coldly, quickly letting go of the taller's hand.

"I didn't ask you to check on me, you short fucker." Jungkook scowls, walking away from the older male and sitting on the floor next to a table with various types of guns arranged beautifully on top of it.

Jimin literally has steam spouting out of his ears as he stomps off to his original spot.

Jeon Jungkook is such a jerk.


Jimin doesn't know how much time has passed, but he starts to feel a bit cold.

The cemented floor is freezing, probably due to how low the temperature can get at night and the cool metal walls are certainly not helping him keep himself warm. Jimin regrets his decision to leave his cardigan in his locker earlier that day, only leaving himself with his black tee. He could've been wrapping the soft material around his body by now, but no, he just had to leave it behind.

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