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        [ [ Annoying but Effective ] ]

After the incident on Jimin's first day at his new workplace, he hasn't gotten the chance to talk to his supposed to be partner.

It's not like he hasn't tried to talk to him, quite the opposite, actually. It's Jungkook who's been avoiding him like the plague. The younger always walked out of a room whenever he came in, a variety of excuses coming out of his mouth to support his actions. The others are aware of this as well, but they've decided not to do anything except watch from afar.

"Don't worry," Taehyung had said, patting Jimin on the back comfortingly. Jimin thinks Taehyung is starting to grow on him. They might just become best friends.

"Jungkookie's just embarrassed. He'll get over it soon."

'Get over it soon, my ass.' Jimin scoffs to himself as he watches Jungkook walk away for the nth time in a week.

Yes, he kids you not. A week has passed since the freaking incident, and the younger is still avoiding him.

Honestly, Jimin's had enough of this "silent treatment" thing, so instead of letting the brunette go like usual, he decides to follow him.

"Hey, Jungkook-ssi, can we talk?"

Jungkook doesn't even answer, and Jimin won't be lying if he says that he got a little pissed by that.

Jungkook walks straight towards the elevator at the end of the hall, and Jimin would've kept up just fine if it wasn't for the sudden call of his name from behind.

The blonde male stops and hesitantly turns around to face the voice's owner, eye twitching as he hears the elevator doors open and close.

So close.

"Yes, Jin hyung? Do you need anything?" He keeps his tone light and says it as politely as he can because hey, Jin hyung is like everyone's parent here.

"Were you trying to get Jungkook to talk to you again?"

Jimin blinks at the older's straightforward question, wondering how on earth he figured it out.

"Yeah.." He admits, a bit embarrassed, but he sees no point in lying.

"Was it that obvious?"

The pink haired male shrugs. "Well, it's not the first time I've seen you do this, so.."

"Hyung, how do I get him to talk to me? He won't even be in the same room as me!"

"You could always try pissing him off." Jin states casually, and Jimin looks at him incredulously.

"Why would I try pissing him off? Won't that make him angrier at me?"

Jin smiles, and Jimin remembers that the other practically raised Jungkook, so he must know small facts about him.

"Jungkook is cold to people he's not familiar with, but he has a big pride, so if he feels like he's being criticized or mocked he'd definitely talk back to you to defend himself."

The elevator dings, announcing its arrival, and Jimin almost jumps in surprise because he didn't even notice when they'd arrived there in the first place.

The elevator doors open, and Jin lightly shoves the blonde male into the elevator, causing the latter to stumble.

"All the best, Jimin-ah!!" Jin yells encouragingly as the doors start to close.

'All the best?' Jimin frowns, pressing the elevator button for Jungkook's floor.

All the best for what?


Jimin barges into Jungkook's office like it was his own.

He doesn't miss the glare the younger sends his way, but he simply brushes it off.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook," He says coldly, seating on the chair across said male and crossing his arms.

"I know you're ignoring me, and I want to know why."

Jungkook simply lowers his head and continues his work as if he hadn't even spoken. Jimin scoffs at the sight.

What a child.

"Hm, I think I know why," Jimin suddenly says, and he catches the quick, curious glance Jungkook throws his way.

He leans back against his chair and smirks, "You're scared of me, aren't you?"

Jungkook doesn't answer, but the older's watchful eyes catch the way his fingers tighten around his pen.

"It's true, then?" Jimin muses when he receives no response. "You, Jeon Jungkook, are scared of me. Why, though? After all," His lips curl into a mocking smile, eyes flashing with mischief,"I don't bite."

"What do you want?"
Jungkook finally, finally asks, frustration written all over his features as he abandons all his work.

"Oh, look,"Jimin rolls his eyes," It speaks."

"Look," Jungkook snaps, eyes blazing with annoyance as he runs a hand through his brown hair,"I don't have time for your shit, Jimin. So if you want to mock me just do it and get it done with."

If Jimin must be honest, he finds this side of Jungkook very appealing. But hey, this was his goal, now he has Jungkook's undivided attention.

"That would be less entertaining, though." Jimin frowns, but a smirk is threatening to climb onto his face. "I like to torture my targets until the very end."

Jungkook clenches his jaw, and his hands start to shake against his will.

"I'm not your prey, and you're not my predator." He says harshly, standing up and going over to Jimin's side. He grabs the back of the older's chair and leans down dangerously close, his breath fanning over the other's lips.

Minty, Jimin notes with a satisfied hum, nice.

"I would really appreciate it if you'd stop annoying me and just fuck off."

Jimin lets out a breathy laugh and smiles. "I will; after you tell me why you're being such a dick to me."

"You saw me have an episode. Hell, you triggered it," Jungkook says shortly, letting go of the chair and eyeing Jimin with nothing but disdain. "Tell anyone else except the other five hyungs about it, and I will  fucking end you."



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