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[ [ Scarring The Ace ] ]

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After the whole making up session with Namjoon, Jungkook has definitely realized something.

He realized that having Jimin around is something that the leader has thought about for a long time. So if his hyung could act like a professional, why couldn't he?

Maybe because Park Jimin is just so irritatingly good at the exact same things he's good at. Like, you don't have to be as skilled as I am!!

So, he's decided to be this passive-aggressive piece of fluff instead, unkowingly amusing his five hyungs who have been silently observing the change in his behaviour.

It's one day when he's practising shooting at the training area that Jimin approaches him with two blades in his hands. "Hey, Jeon. Wanna have a friendly match?" Jungkook lowers his gun and raises an eyebrow at the offer, eyeing the blade with no interest whatsoever.

"No." He says shortly, raising the gun to take proper aim at the target once again. Jimin seems unfazed by the blunt rejection, however, and maintains the lazy smile on his face. "Are you scared that I'll beat you at this, Jeon?" He taunts, eyebrows furrowing in mock concern, a feeling of victory washing over him as he catches the subtle twitch of the younger's eye.

"Come on, Jungkook! Don't be a scaredy cat!" Taehyung suddenly pipes up from the other side of the shooting range, instantly getting hollers of agreement from everyone present. Jungkook hesitates, although a scowl still manages to cover his attractive features.

"How the fuck did all of you even hear our conversation?" He exclaims in exasperation, his voice unfortunately drowned out by the chants of 'Fight!Fight!Fight!' that was only growing louder by the second.

"Hey," Hoseok speaks up sternly, deciding to come to Jungkook's defense as he sees the way the maknae's bottom lip tremble as he unwillingly becomes the center of attention. "If Jungkook doesn't want to fight, then it's up to him. Don't force this on him if he doesn't want to."

"It's okay, hyung," Jungkook mutters after a moment of silence, brushing his bangs back to reveal his forehead for a split second. He holds out his hand, clearly asking for the other knife Jimin was holding. "I'll do it."

"Jungkook, are you sure-" Jin speaks up next, but the maknae flashes him a reassuring glance, and gives him a small, subtle nod. "I'm sure."

"Great!" Taehyung claps his hands, clearly overjoyed at the turn of events. "Everyone, to the fighting area!"


Five minutes later, Jungkook finds himself face to face with Jimin in the fighting area, surrounded by his teammates and gang members. All of his hyungs are here, and the many eyes watching him expectantly are not helping him calm down.

"All right, first one down loses, got it?" Minwook, the appointed referee, says, earning two nods from the pair in front of him. Jungkook adjusts his grip on the blade, eyes going void of emotion as he falls into his work headspace, the only thing in his mind being the urge to inflict injuries and get away alive.

"You may start....now!"

The first minute goes by without any action, consisting of Jimin and Jungkook circling and simply analyzing each other closely, making sure to mentally note down each weak point they see.

His left leg seems a bit unstable, Jungkook notices, if I could just attack him there, he'd be unstable enough to take down.

After that, his number one goal was to get to Jimin's left leg no matter what happened.

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