Three; Break The Rules

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        Break The Rules


        “Liz, two laps!” Louis yells at her as she messes up the third play for that day. She groans and takes off around the field.

         “Something’s going on with her,” I say leaning over to him. He’s got his hair pushed back and off his face with a headband today. He looks over to me his blue eyes light in the early morning, softer than normal.

         “I’ll talk to her after practice, take it easy on her.”

         “Why?” he states and I huff turning to him with my hands in the air “She’s just like every other player on this team.”

         “She’s a good player, a great player and something’s definitely wrong if she’s playing like this so back off.”

         “Alright, but talk to her we don’t have time for this shit,” he says with a tone that I don’t like but choose to ignore.

         A pair of warm arms wrap around me as I stand on the field watching the girls run their last plays for the day. I tuck my head into his bicep and sigh deeply. “Hey babe,” he says into my ear.

        He's dressed in a wind jacket and has a black hat pulled down and over his messy hair, just the way I love it. His blue eyes are dark under the brim of the hat but he smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. 

         “What are you doing here?” I ask him and he looks down over me.

         “Missed my girl,” he says looking up and back over the field. “They look good.”

         “They look sloppy,” Lou says beside us groaning as he watches them fumble around on the field. Lou had on dark red tank top and a pair of shorts, turning to me he puts his hands up in defeat. 

         “Tighten up Megan, move Jessica to defence and you’ll be just fine.” Niall half barks at him, Lou shakes his head. “It’ll work, Megan plays well with Liz and Jess will do fine lagging behind she can barely keep up with Amy as it is.”

         “I didn’t know you were the boss.” Louis snaps at him.

         “Says the guy who almost killed my girlfriend.”

         “At least I didn't fuck her,” Louis snaps.

         Niall goes rigid beside me, I can feel him start to strain. He’s attempting to keep himself in control without flying at him and killing him.

         “Shut up, both of you.” I say shaking loose of Niall’s grip. “You both are in my life, you both help me every day so shut the fuck up and be happy about it.”

         They both crack a smile at the same time, (pitiful, half smiles that barely mean shit) but Louis just walks away and down the field away from us. Niall sits on the bench and pats it for me to join him, I tuck into him and blow the whistle.

        The girls scatter around us and grab their bags before wandering back to the change rooms leaving the field empty and quiet again. He takes my hand in his and runs his fingers along the back of it.

         “There’s a selfish motive for coming into town,” He says to me. “Dad wants to have dinner tomorrow.”

         “You want me to come with you?” I ask him and he nods silently. “Of course I will,” I kiss him gently and he pushes his forehead against mine.

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