Twenty Four; Bad Moon Rising

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Bad Moon Rising

The quiet sound of humming is what I've listened to for the last three days, constant, steady beeping. But no words, or noises that been exchanged from his mouth and no eye contact or movement has come from him. The first day it was calming knowing that he was in no pain, sleeping through whatever was happening inside his ribcage.

The second day I began to get restless, almost begging for him to sit up and smile at me. Lottie came to visit that day, trying to convince me that her brother was too stubborn to die in such a silly fashion.

She tells me about their mother who was pregnant and couldn't travel but whose heart was aching for her son. A mother I wanted to meet and hold, because any woman who had the patience and kindness to raise Lou was a super hero. Once Lottie left it was quiet again, it was the most quiet Louis had ever been.

I want the rambunctious, adventurous and down right annoying Louis back, not this dull lifeless boy. By the third day, this morning, I had become aggravated with everyone. I feel like the doctors aren't doing their best even though they are. I feel like the nurses are ignoring my pleas to make him more comfortable but they certainly are not. I feel like Lou is just teasing me by staying asleep but then as I look up at him I realize he can't help any of this.

"Come on Louis," I say to him. I had cried over this so many times in such a short about of hours that even my eyes were sore from tears. I probably looked as awful as I felt and I hadn't left to shower or change. I couldn't bring myself to be gone if he had woken up, but he never did.

"I need you to wake up Louis. I forgive you, I forgive the stupid things you said when you were angry. All I need you to do is get up so that we can go back to causing trouble and being friends."

I can hear him laughing in my head as I call him an idiot under my breath, I just want to punch him so hard he jumps up in bed. They've taken the bandage off of his head to let it heal with the air and I brushed his hair back and off his forehead.

I had helped the nurse when she needed to clean his arms and legs, rolling him over. I had never seen most of the tattoos he had until then. His thigh was adorned with a large tattoo that caught my eye. A large family crest, he had never spoken much about his family other than Lottie. It made wanting him to wake up even worse, I wanted him to tell me the story behind all of these things.

His secrets and his past.

The bruises that lined his face and neck are deep purples that line with green. Making his normally tight jaw line look ragged and broken apart. The bags under his eyes are dark, so dark they were almost black even though he had been asleep all week.

A deep breath in shakes me from the dazing state I am in, looking up Louis staring back at me. His ice cold eyes awake, wide awake. He was awake, I almost don't move like doing so would startle him but I just need to smile back at him.

I bite my lip and laugh out loud as he smiles back at me. He was alright. He would be alright.

"Lou?" I say sitting up, forward almost to the very edge of my chair. He gives me a weak smile before his eyes close again. The machines begin to beep uncontrollably around me like a tornado of chaos coming down upon us.

I scream for nurses as his body begins to rock up and forward, like his heart was trying to tear out of his chest. The nurses rush in around me, blocking the view of Louis thrashing body from me and pushing me back against the door.

I fight against them trying to get back to his bedside as they tear me away time and time again.

"No," I scream as they close the door, shutting me out.

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