Sixteen; Somethings never Change

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Somethings never Change

"Do I really need to do this?" I ask pulling on my jacket over a thin black sweater that hangs loosely around my hips. Bradley nods handing me my purse and pushing me out the door.

"It's only lunch Sarah, and be glad that it's a break from your other problems."

I nod, kiss him on the cheek and close the door behind me. Having lunch with Roger was the last thing I wanted to do after this week. I can still see Niall sitting at the edge of my bed, the sad look seemly permanently on his face lately. He kept talking about nothing and I barely listened because it was nothing I even wanted to hear from him.

He hadn't said anything about Chelsea leaving, or anything about him coming back. He didn't say a single thing about her, which only made me angrier. He then went on to talking about how concerned he was that I was still mad at Louis as well. I was confused then, I know how much Niall hates Louis at this point there is no question there. I personally think that Ni was only bringing it up to question whether or not I had forgiven Lou over him but I wasn't going to forgive either of them that easily.

Which left my brain thinking about Lou, my phone buzzed most of that morning. Louis trying to get ahold of me time and time again but I just ignored them. I tried so hard just to forget about the fact that he kissed me but it was hard when my lips burned every time I ran my tongue across them.

I know he was only doing it to drive me nuts, make deciding harder for me but it wasn't a hard decision. Eventually I would forgive them, I could only hope too but right now it wasn't in the cards. I just wanted to punch them both in the face.

"Roger," I say sitting down in the booth across from him, he smiles at me and hands me the extra menu. He nods to me, giving me a small smile. "Hows work?"

"Really hows work?" he laughs and sets down his coffee. "How are you feeling, we haven't spoken in a while."

"I'm alright, Friday is the day we find out if I'm still in Remission." I say, the waitress comes over and I order a coffee, with a breakfast sandwich. She looks like a sweet lady, most put together probably has a kid or two at home. By the bags under her eyes and the wrinkles around her bright smile she was happy, but tired.

"Do you want company for that meeting?" I shake my head no when he asks, I was hoping that Niall would come but he hasn't mentioned it yet.

"Listen I know that this is hard Sarah but I really am just trying to help you out, trying to help you get through all of this."

"I know I'm not saying that you aren't helping," I convince him easily. "I just don't need anyone's help anymore."

"I'm also trying to take over your dads job, so don't feel obligated to come have lunch with me on Saturdays."

"I come because I want to come not because I feel obligated." I say giving him a pitiful smile. "How is Jean's football going?"

"It's been good, she's fine Sarah. She's been doing amazing."

"Thank you for always looking out for her," I say.

"I've always looked out for both of you the best I can, with or without your knowledge of who I was in your life. I did my best." He tries to say it without offending me in a way that will shut me down.

"I know," I say and I feel like that's all I say lately, like I know everything. "I don't want to dance around the fact that this is weird but it also doesn't bother me. I just want to stop bringing it up, can't we just enjoy our Saturday lunch and ignore the fact that you pretended not to know I was your daughter for eighteen years?"

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