Twenty Nine; The End Pt. One

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The End Pt. One

(mature content)

I run my hands down the front of his t-shirt, the smooth fabric under my fingers until I find the front of his sweatpants, curling a couple fingers in. He move his hands back from me face, flipping us around until his back is against the board of the hotel bed. He leans his head back as I jerk into him, letting him rub against me roughly.

He drops his mouth to my neck, "it's been too long, baby." Mumble hot against my neck.

I tip my head back, closing my eyes giving into the sweet, rough sensation of his teeth scraping along my skin. "Way too long," I growl.

I feel myself growing wet with every lick of his tongue, every rock of his hips, and I blow a nervous sucked in breath past my lips. He had taken total control over me, everything he did, everything he said, every single way he touched me making me fall apart. He smiles at me, knowing that he had complete power over me.

"God, you're so beautiful, you know that?" he says raising his head to look at me, smiling at him I tilt my head to the side.

"Shut up," I say, biting into my bottom lip. He drops his head and lets out a small laugh. "I love you so much," he mumbles.

"I love you too," I say smiling at him as he lift his head to bring his gaze to mine. He raises an eyebrow and gives me a half smirk, only making me more crazy.

"Oh ya?" he asks.

"Hell ya," I say pressing my mouth to his again. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and let my hair run through his messy blonde hair, gripping and pulling he lets out a loan moan.

He backs me up against the pillow of the bed, "Take them off," he tells me, pulling away from my lips to grab at the bottom of my shirt. I giggle and fumble with the loose fabric of my shirt and pull it over my head to toss it to the floor.

He bites his lip staring at me sitting there in a black bra against the headboard.

I steal little kisses from him as he struggles to pull his shirt off. The rest of the clothing comes easier as he kicks his boxers to the floor and leans forward into my mouth kissing me hard and long.

I reach around a tear the clips from the bra tossing it to the side. A smile on his face he grabs my hips in his rough hands and pulls me flat underneath him, leaning down he uses his mouth against my nipple. I throw my head back closing my eyes, my hands finding his hair again. He flicks my hard nipple with his tongue sucking it in between his teeth and clamping down on it gently. Pulling back slowly before letting it go he watches as my breast falls back against my chest, laughing under his breath and licking his bottom lip.

I move my hands to cup his face, forcing his mouth back to mine to kiss him again.

I couldn't get enough of the contact not even realizing how much my body missed his touch, every last brush of skin drove me crazy. He pushes into the kiss, his arm slinks around my waist and pulls me up into him roughly.

Need You -N.H- Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now