Fourteen; Open Your Eyes

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Open Your Eyes

"Hey mate!" Lou calls to the strange man walking back towards his car, Bradley had stepped aside to make a phone call as Louis did his best to distract him.

"Mate I'm talkin' to you!" He says pushing the guy in the shoulder to get his attention. The man turns around and almost lays into Louis but he stops short and looks him over. "Did you enjoy the game?"

"Yeah it was good," the guy says quietly looking frustrated with Lou for interrupting his afternoon.

"oh my god what is he doing?" Lizzy comes up behind me her bag hitting the ground with a thump and her cold hand wrapping around my own in absolute fear. "Tom will beat the crap out of him," she says.

"He'll be okay Liz, let him do whatever he's doing."

Tom steps forward into Lou's space, turning to open his car door but Louis grabs his jacket again and swings him back around. Tom laughs, shaking his head at the show of courage and squares himself up with Lou.

"What the fuck do you want buddy?" He asks, Lou just shrugs his shoulders, laughing under his breath.

"Stay away from my player...buddy." He laughs at the word but Tom does not.

"I'll talk to whoever I want," Tom says his tone dark and heavy with not an ounce of fear in his voice. He was taller than Louis, by a lot and wider but even with the odds stacked against him Lou wasn't giving in to his intimation.

"I mean it," Louis says rubbing his hands together. "Stay away from Liz mate."

"Or what pipsqueak?"

"Settle down friend, no need to be a dick."

"You're the one making false threats," He snaps at Lou.

"False?" Louis laughs "It wasn't false, I'll beat the piss out of you if you don't."

"Pretty scary coming from a smurf..." Tom scoffs for a moment he looks like he's just going to get into his car but his left arm drags back and slams forward into Lou's face.

Liz jumps as the connection is made between fist and face, I only cringe watching it to him. He was only doing this to show me that he was a good person, a friend, but it hurt watching him do this for me. I ball my fist up, clinching my fingers so tightly I can feel the nails digging into my skin.

Lou bounces back though, he always does, pushing Tom against his car and shoving his fist multiple times into his stomach. Tom crumbles a bit but grips Lou's neck and rams his knee into his face. I hear the crack of Louis nose and I jolt forward instinctively but as I do I hear the sirens.

Brad runs from the tunnel, past me and Lizzy towards the two men who are now rolling around on the ground throwing punches wherever then can. Brad throws himself around Tom and pulls him off of Lou tossing him back up against his car.

I let go of Liz moving quickly towards Louis and helping him off the ground. I tuck myself neatly under his left side and hold on tightly so he doesn't fall around in my arms.

"Get the fuck off me man," Tom wiggles under Brad's grip but can't come free from it. A police car rips into the parking lot and two men I recognize from spending time with Brad step out of the vehicle.

The police officer takes over cuffing Tom, telling him calmly that he was being arrested for assault and possession.

"I have no drugs on me!" Tom squirms under the tight hold.

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