Thirteen; Havoc

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"Jean make sure to wash your hands before dinner please," I instruct as she barrells through the front door before me. I drag her football duffel into the house throwing it down on the floor and kicking off my shoes.

She bounds up the stairs leaving the house quiet for a few moments to catch my breath. I had spent the whole day with her-just her-in peace at the football stadium. We kicked around balls, practiced our pushes up the field and even got ice cream on the way home.

Luckily for me mom had been working all weekend and the neighbours were watching Jean when I arrived. They were such sweet people, an older lady and her crazy brother. Gladly giving her over to me to watch, and giving their condolences on the cancer. I politely explained that it had left my body and I was now in remission only making them cheerful again.

I hadn't even had the catch to sit down and think about anything since arriving and that was exactly what was needed. Jeanie kept me fairly busy, so the thoughts were easily pushed to the back of my head. Her laughter soothing any broken pieces that may have chipped in result of Niall being an asshole.

I walk through the old living room and into the kitchen, pulling a large pot of the drawer to fill it with water. I hear the phone ring but it cuts off quickly bringing Jean back down the stairs with it to her ear. She's still covered in dirt, her hair sticking back from her face, cheeks bright red.

"Hello," I say into the speaker hoping that it isn't Niall calling. I wasn't in the mood after such a lovely day to deal with his shit.

"Hey Bug," Brad coos through the phone, I release the breath I was holding in and smile to myself. "I'm officially done with having your cell phone in my possession. If Louis texts you one more time I'll probably end up breaking it."

"I can't afford a new phone," I joke with him but he doesn't laugh, he just sighs.

"Can you just call him, you gave Niall the satisfaction of answering a call, just give Lou the same." I don't say anything to him, I grind my teeth and think about what came from her mouth trying to belittle me and it had worked. I felt little in the moment, then nothing but anger and more anger.

"What he said was terrible," he says carefully to me "But for some strange-unknown to me-reason I don't think he meant it."

"Even if he hadn't meant it Brad he said it, and the look on his face was so guilty." I say into the floor. I know my voice dropped, the tone turning sad.

"Sarah," Brad says I await whatever he's about to say or ask of me. "I'm going to ask you something and for the love of god be honest with me."

I look at Jean who stands in front of me curious of what Bradley wanted when he called. I put my finger up to her and walk out into the back yard by myself to get some silence. Nervously biting my lip, just terrified of what is about to come. "Why can't you choose?" he asks, staying silent he tries again. "Between them, forget forgiving them both that would be hard enough. But forgiving one of them, that should be nothing. Why can't you pick between them?"

"I can," I say softly "I know I can choose between them, but forgiveness is something they don't deserve right now."

"Then choose."

I swallow hard, the feeling running down my spine quickly like a hot cup of tea thrown down my throat. He sighs when I don't speak so quiet you can hear the grass blowing in the back yard gently.

"You can't choose Sarah because you have feelings for Lou and you refuse to admit it out loud." Brad says bluntly. "I get it bug, he's been around to help you cope in a different way than Niall has been. But you need to make up your mind before you drive yourself into the ground just the way that girl did-the one you hate so passionately."

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