Six; Elastic Heart

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Six; Elastic Heart

A bang on the door erupts through the small apartment, Bradley was still away and Niall had left early that morning for his mothers. He had gotten a phone call that she was having an episode and Rosa was unable to handle it alone.

I roll over and look at the clock, it says nine am and I want to kill whoever is banging on my door. I crawl from bed and pull on a hoodie over my cold shoulders and slump down the hallway. Liz stands in the living room half awake, running her hand over her face to wake up a bit. The curtains are still closed making it slightly darker than usual, she shrugs her shoulders at me as I come into the view.

"Who is it?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No clue," she says in a groggy voice.

I wander over to the floor dragging my bare feet against the cold wood before I look through the peep hole. I know his face, even with the bruised lipped and dark eyes, I know it. It's a mix between Coach and an old Niall, his jaw is covered in scruff and he looks frustrated.

I turn to Liz and tell her I'm going to open the door, I turn the locks and slide the chain over before opening it. "Hello," he says as the door comes open.

"Hi," I say unsure of who he is and why he's banging on my door. My gut tells me that it's Niall's brother but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

"Is Ni here?" he asks in such a thick accent that I have trouble even understanding. I do however catch the part where he called him Ni, this confirms that it is his brother.

"No he had to go see his--your mum." I say and he nods slightly. He looks distraught, almost blasted, I dare to whiff at his scent and drown in the booze coming from him. "Why don't you come in?"

He looks around for a minute and then nods, "Okay, okay yea." He mumbles and walks into the house past me. Lizzy points to couch and he nods at her before sitting down. He laughs and then stands taking Liz's hand "I'm Greg by the way," he says and then turns to me.

"Sarah, and thats Liz."

"Are you both banging my brother?" he says and Liz just bursts into laughter. "So just you then?" he says pointing to me and I nod.

"Just me," I say rolling my eyes. I walk to the kitchen and grab him a bottle of water from the fridge before taking a seat across from him.

"God thank you so much," he says downing the water in almost one gulp. "I should go, I showed up here thinking I could solve a problem but look at me, I'm wasted. Clearly in no position to fight--talk I mean talk-- to my brother."

"Clearly," I say to him but I'm curious as to what he wanted to say, I lean forward a bit. "He was really upset that you were coming home," I say out of the blue.

"Yea me and my busted lip figured that out pretty quick," he says under his breath. "I don't get why he's so pissed off, wouldn't you be happy?"

I take a moment to answer the question because I don't want to put Ni in a hole. I bite my lip and think carefully, "I think that he was upset because you just left him home alone."

"I asked what you think," he says sharply.

"I would be upset, I would. Because I just think that you left him when he needed you, everyone really needed you to be there with them. He--I would feel like you abandoned me."

Greg blows air from his mouth and scratches the back of his neck before standing up off the couch, "I get it."

"That doesn't mean that he doesn't miss you, that he isn't grateful to have you back. He just needs time to work through the anger to get back to you, give him that time."

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