Five; Wires

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Liz had cried the entire time I had been there, Louis now sits across from her. He had gone out for coffee but returned with vodka, at first I protested but it seemed to be what Lizzy needed.

"So he's an ex?" I ask her and she nods.

The guy that had showed up at her dorm room was a ex-boyfriend from high school who hadn't gotten the point that she was over with him. He liked getting high on anything he could find, she thought he had lost it this time.

"Have you told Brad?" Lou pipes up from the other bed. He's pulled off his toque and his hair is everywhere but his eyes are calm and sincere with her.

She shakes her head "I don't want him to think I've got this crazy crack addicted burden," she drops her head and Louis laughs at her until I slap him across the leg stopping him.

"And that's any different than his best friend being a crazy psycho cancer bitch?" He says smirking at me. As much as I wanted to punch him he was right, Brad was pretty tolerating of the people he loved fucking up and he really liked Liz.

"It's different," she says under her breath. "I don't want him getting in the middle of this and getting hurt."

"Again little late to keep him out of shit, he might have been a bit sad if Sarah died."

"Enough," I say to Lou. He tosses his hands back and takes the bottle from the floor taking a swig and handing it to me. "Bradley will understand and I can't be around all the time to watch over you Liz. You need to tell him and come back to practice," I start.

"Yeah because sitting in here only makes you a bigger target," Louis says pointing to the half busted in door.

"Not helping," I mumble rubbing my arm over hers. "Come stay with us tonight," she shakes her head in protest.

"We both know Bradley is home for the weekend and won't be at the house so you're coming over. But Monday when he gets home you're telling him."

She nods "because frankly you're ruining my night with my boyfriend," she looks shocked at me and then to Lou like I was talking about him.

"God no," he says "she meant fucking Horan." He groans before shaking his head. "I only came over to make sure my star forward wasn't dead."

"Thanks for the concern. I'll grab a bag, I'll meet you guys in the car." She mumbles before giving me another hug.

Lou sits in the bed playing with his phone so I grab his shirt and tug him from the room. He laughs and brushes me off before holding the entrance door for me.

"Sorry for ruining your date night love," he says as we get into the car. "Didn't know he was still in town."

"Two sorrys in one day, that must be a record from you." He rolls his eyes and starts the engine.




I sit in the passenger seat of my fathers car, groaning because he drives like a fifty year old blind woman. He's all over the road and I'm quite sure he's intoxicated, theres nothing I can really say because before I left my own house I drank too much.

I didn't even shower that morning, I had rolled over into the arms of Sarah and wondered how shit life could get before it got really better. Like no more surprises better, just good. I play with the cool metal of my cell phone in my hands for a minute before setting it down in the cup holder.

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