Matthew Espinosa (cute)

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It was forth of July weekend, and I was staying up at my cabin with all of my family. When we arrived, I went to go help my parents carry all the bags and food for this weekend.

"Come one, Y/N! You are slower than grandma!" My mother yells up at me, while I slowly walk down the stairs. She basically threw every bag on top of me, so I was struggling.

"I'm coming, mother." I shout back.
Once I got to the bottom of the steps, I plopped all the bags on the floor and sighed.

"Is there anymore?" I ask my father.

"Yeah just a couple, not too heavy, darling." He smiles and walks towards the door.

"Oh and Y/N?" He waits for me to turn around.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Remember your mother's friend, Angie, invited her son to come up this weekend, so I would like you to be nice."

"Why wouldn't I?" I questioned him, kind of annoyed. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it and goes inside.

I turn around and bolt up the long staircase. Once I made it to the top, I turned the corner and bumped into someone.

"Sorry," I muttered, looking down.

"It's alright. I wasn't looking where I was going." A deep voice spoke. I looked up, standing in front of some boy i've never seen before.

"Are you Angie's son? Matthew, right?" I ask.

He nods, "Yeah, I'm Matthew." He smiles and giggles.

"Y/N." I shake his hand and start walking to the car to grab the rest of the bags.

"Do you need any help?" Matthew asks, walking up to me.

"Ah, nah. I got this." I struggled to grab all three heavy bags and saw him take two from me.

"There you go." He smiles and I blush.
Once Matthew and I got inside the cabin, everyone stared at us.

"What's going on?" I whispered over to Matthew.

"No idea." He chuckles.

"Y/N, it looks like you've met my son, Matthew." Angie walks towards us and grabs me into a huge hug.

"Yeah, we met up top." I pointed out the door and pulled away from the hug.
There was a long moment of silence, until I broke it.

"Well, I'm gonna go down to the dock." No one listens, as usual, except for Matthew. He grabbed my wrist, pulling me back, before whispering in my ear.
"Wait for me." He smiles and runs upstairs to change, I'm guessing.

While I wait for Matthew, I go to the kitchen to find something to snack on.

"So, you like him?" My mother bumps her hip to mine.

"Mom?" I ask her, annoyed.

"He totally likes you already. I can tell." She gives me that weird mom-look and squeals.

"No he doesn't. He probably has a girlfriend," I shrug and try to walk away from my mother.

"Don't walk away. He likes you! I can tell." My mothers squeals again.

"Stop it!" I whisper-shout.

"Look, you're blushing." She yells.
I swat her arm.

"No, I am not. Now, will you excuse me?" I walk away and see Matthew running down the stairs.

"Hi," He smiles.

"Hi," I smile back as we stood there in silence and found him staring at me.

"What?" I walked towards the door.

"Nothin'." He says and follows me. I head down the stairs and to the dock.

"Wanna go on the jet-ski?" I asked him as I pulled off my shirt and shorts to reveal my blue bikini. I watched him stare me down and waited for him to respond. He nodded, and smirked slightly.

I threw a life jacket at him and he took his shirt off. I couldn't stop staring at his toned body, so I looked down at the ground to distract myself. I heard him chuckle as he pulls on his life jacket.

"You can drive? Unless you don't want to because I can if thats the case-?" I ask, untying the ropes on the jet-ski.

"I'll drive, if that's okay?" He leans down, helping me untie the knots. Our hands brush against each other and we giggle, slightly.

"Yeah, that's fine." We slowly got up, staring at each other. He climbed on the jet-ski and held his hand out for me.

"Thanks, Matthew." I smiled and hopped on behind him.

"You can call me Matt." He assures me and I nod and rested my arms on my sides.

"You have to hold on, I don't want you to fall off, Y/N." He looked back and smiled. I held onto his sides and pulled closer, nuzzling my cheek against his back.

"Ready?" He says, glancing back.

"Ugh, please. I was born ready." I chuckle. He presses the gas and we go speeding across the water. I hold on tighter, kind of scared of how fast he was going.

"You okay back there?" He shouts, one hand leaving the handles and gently places one on top of mine, a sweet gesture, before removing it.

"Yeah I'm good. Where are you taking us?" I asked, a small blush on my face from his little embrace.

"Somewhere." He chuckles and smirks, almost completely stopping.

"Somewhere, meaning?" I spoke more softer because it was easier to hear.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it." He whines.

"Oh, so it's a surprise now?" I raised my eyebrow and smirked at him.

"Indeed it is." He smiles.

"Please tell me!" I whine, pulling on his life-jacket while he shakes his head.

"Ugh, I guess I'll just swim back to the cabin." I said sarcastically and turned around ready to jump.

"No, no stay. Fine I'll tell you." He gives in. He giggles grabbing my waist and laughs, as I blush again by his gestures.

"Wanna swim?" He says and unbuckles my life jacket before I even agreed. I scooted back, taking off my jacket and kicked my foot in the water, splashing him.

"Hey!" Matt yells and splashes me back. I stand up on the jet-ski, trying to balance myself. I slip on the floor on fall backwards, hitting the lake water. I feel arms wrap around me as fall in.
Matt's hair scattered across his forehead, he pushed it back and held onto me.

"Are you okay?" He asks as our noses were almost touching. I nod slowly, swimming back to the jet-ski. I see his face frown.

"Hey, come here." I motioned him to follow me. I sat on the back of the jet-ski and wrapped my legs around his torso while he was still in the water.

"Y/N, what are you-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. Kissing him slowly, I cup his face and feel him kissing back. He turns his head slightly to the left, but bumping noses causing both of us to laugh.

"You're so cute." He says and made me blush.

"Stop." I sigh and he laughs as he kissed my lips again.

"I'm glad I came this weekend." He said breaking apart from your kiss.

"I am too." I smile and peck his nose.

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