Chapter One

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Nevada, one of the only states that can get up to 120 degrees and still snow two feet in the winter. And lucky me, gets to live here. I live in a association, which lies on the outskirts of a slightly larger town, where we buy our clothes and groceries since there are no stores out here. The weather, is one of the least of my worries however.

In a school, if you were the principal and more than half the kids are failing one teacher's class and the other teacher's students are about average. Would that give you a clue that whatever that teachers doing is not working?! I am a sophomore, and again, lucky me has that teacher. I have been trying my best to finish with an A but it's nearing the end of the year and I'm still at a D. My family tries my best to help me but lord knows I'm a hopeless cause.

"Sophie, Sophie, snap out of it." My best friend Elise shook my shoulder shaking me out of my daze.

"I'm sorry I just- I was just thinking." I stuttered.

"About what?!" She questioned me, but her face turned coy. "I bet you were thinking about the new kid Huh?" She snickered. "Well don't get your hopes up because every girl here is after him. He's fresh meat."

And I knew she was right, here at Dayton Academy there are about five hundred students. I can count on one hand how many semi-attractive boys are here. I know, depressing right?

"I know, it's just nice to have something to Good-looking to glance at every once in a while." I concluded.

But I glanced down when he walked by our lunch table, carrying his tray to the garbage can. He was perfect, Curly brown hair, hazel eyes.

"Well I got to go, I'll see you on the bus!" Elise yelled cheerfully at me. I smiled back at her and dumped my tray.

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