Chapter Twelve

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So... I found this. I think I wrote this chapter like a year ago. Read if you wish. But this will be the final chapter of this fanfic, I have lost my drive for this kind of writing. But, you can come and check out the stuff I am working on now ;)

I closed my eyes and began to nod off again. the repetitive beeping of Jc's machines perched beside his bed gave me a sense of security.But I knew I would have to face my dad soon. He would be pissed that I had hurt someone this bad. I mean it was all my fault. That was Jc's first time ever being on a horse. It took me months to be able to keep my balance bareback.

Suddenly his heart monitor began to lose its pattern, going faster for a minute and then dropping to just a few beats a minute.

Nurses rushed to his bedside yelling, "he's awake, he's awake."

"You can speak to him now." a gentle woman turned to me.

I shuffled hesitantly to his bed before cooing, "Jc?". I stroked his untamed curls and leaned closer to him, "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I want to go home." he moaned.

"I'm sorry Caylen but you still have a very critical fracture in your skull, you must lay down." The kind woman uttered softly.

"Jc, I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have--" I began

"No it was my choice too. its not like I had no say in it. What time is it?" His thoughts wandered along with his speech.

"Seven AM" The nurse answered.

"SCHOOL!" Jc's eyes widened and he tried to get up again.

"No, no, no, no," the Nurse cooed and pushed him down by the chest, soothing him back to sleep with her gentle words.

"Look," she turned to me, suddenly stern. "I know his parents aren't here but we can't release him until he has some type of guardian around"

"Wouldn't I qualify?" I asked hopefully.

"Are you over eighteen?" She questioned.

I shook my head, as the nurses sympathetic eyes studied me, "Do you still live at home?"

I nodded

"With a guardian?"


"But mom!" I shrieked, "He has no one.

"The only reason you care is because you like him!" She retorted.

"Nu uh...."

"Yeah huh." She sighed and placed her hands on her hips, "look Sophie, we are barely making it as it is. We can't. That's final."

"Then I'm leaving." I blurted.

"To where?" She cocked an eyebrow.

"Somewhere else?"

"If you leave... Don't come back."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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