Settling In

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"They've enough problems as it is with Sebastian."

Leaning over the balcony and looking out at the center of town, Ardyce couldn't help but feel those words jive in a way she didn't like. Specifically, she hated suspecting Maru's brother simply because he was Maru's brother and she didn't want to believe that family would hurt family, yet in the back of her mind she knew this was completely possible, that it had happened before to other people.

Just not Maru.

"It doesn't help Ardyce that Maru really didn't have anything positive to say about her brother and she was always frustrated with him. She also left the diner that day with the intent of finally confronting him about..." Ardyce let out a sigh, remembering bits and pieces of their last conversation at the diner.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, just that Sebastian got into an argument with my dad again. Same old, same old."

Maru of course changed the subject, which didn't surprise Ardyce as Maru honestly didn't like getting into the details of the arguments which went down between her brother and father, but eventually, Ardyce found herself speaking again, bothered by the fact Maru continued having a gloomy look on her face. "Okay. Something tells me it's not the same old, same old. What's up?"

"I'm just worried..." Maru smiled at her. "Oh, don't you worry about that. We're not here to discuss my family problems." Except, Ardyce felt they were, for what was a friend for if you couldn't rely on them to discuss family problems with. The fact Maru wouldn't talk about what bothered her make Ardyce worry, but when pressed for details, Maru eventually said. "I just want an older brother, you know, but he doesn't act like one."

"Tell him."

"Tell him?" Maru laughed at this. "You don't have a conversation with Sebastian. You either get yelled at like my dad or the silent treatment like my mom. I don't know what's worse."

"Not trying to communicate at all. You don't know if it will be like that."

"You don't understand. Sebastian doesn't do verbal communication well with anybody."

"There are other ways of communicating, you know."

At that, the conversation died down again, but then Maru said something when she left the diner, a smile on her face. "I'm going to confront him, give him a piece of my mind, but thank you for reminding me that just because he isn't good at verbal communications doesn't mean there isn't a way to communicate. I should have thought of it sooner, given that's his thing."

Letting out a sigh, Ardyce pushed herself away from the balcony and walked into the kitchen area of the small apartment, grabbing the key as she went. One of the first things she needed to do was purchase groceries which in turn meant heading back down to Pierre. After that, she would check to see that the internet connection in the apartment was set up correctly, but if it weren't, she didn't know who she might turn to in such a small town to get said internet fixed.

Leaving the apartment, she headed down the stairs at the back, taking a deep breath as she did so. She honestly didn't know anybody from the valley except for Maru, but her knowledge of the place was limited to, well, what Maru told her. She walked around the front, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the bulletin board where she'd caught sight of the poster. A puff of air escaped through her nostrils and she stepped in.

When she did, she discovered that the man who showed her the apartment wasn't there, and the girl named Abigail stood there instead, glaring at her with her arms crossed and her mouth pushed together. Putting on a smile, Ardyce stepped forward, looking at the items hoping to find all that she needed. Her train of thought was interrupted by Abigail speaking. "I don't like you."

"What?" Ardyce looked up, watching the girl glared at her, her arms still crossed. She could hear a rather heated discussion from down the hallway, but it sounded as if Pierre were speaking with someone.

"Coming in here, all smiles and all!" The look on Abigail's face was a death glare. "Sebby's mine, and you're here to hurt him!"

"What are..."

"You know what I'm talking about. My dad said you were looking into Maru's disappearance. He doesn't need that."

"I'm just here to purchase stuff so I have something to eat," Ardyce protested.

"Maybe I don't want to sell..."

"Abigail!" Turning towards the voice, Ardyce saw a woman with green hair standing next to Pierre, her arms crossed while her mouth pressed into a frown. "That's not how we treat a customer."

"But..." Abigail swallowed.

"But what."

Abigail looked at Ardyce, her eyes wide. "Dad said she's here because of Maru. Sebby..."

"You know full well Robin's the only one who gets to call him that and even she really doesn't get away with that," the woman with green hair sighed. "Go back to your game. I'll handle the sale, but don't do this again!" Abigail slipped out from behind the counter, but not before giving Ardyce a rather pointed look. The woman smiled at her. "I'm Caroline, Pierre's wife."

"You are most definitely free to shop here." He cleared his voice. "And, Caroline pointed out I might have been a bit harsh earlier. That family is going through a lot, but you do mean well. I just..."

"We worry finding answers may cause more hurt. As for Abby, she's just miffed Robin's not letting her see Seb. Can't blame..."

"I'm glad she's not! He's a terrible influence on her. He's trouble."

"Pierre!" Caroline glared at her husband who gave her a rather meek look before muttering an apology and escaping out of the room. Letting out a sigh, she turned to Ardyce. "Sebastian is actually a good kid once you get to know him."

"Except he's not a kid," Ardyce pointed out. She watched Caroline startle. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No. I can't really go into details regarding the matter, but..." Caroline smiled at her. "I actually agree with Robin's decision not to let Abby see Seb, but not for the reason Pierre says. He doesn't have the same information I do, but even if did I doubt he'd believe that it was our Abby that was the problem. Which brings me to the point I'd like to make."

"Why do I have the feeling you're going to say, 'no problem looking into things' only to give some kind of but to the whole matter?"

"Oh, well. Yes. Sort of." Caroline continued smiling at her. "Seb wouldn't hurt his sister or his mother."

"But maybe Maru's dad?"

A smile broke out on Caroline's face. "Where did..." She let out a laugh. "Where did you get that idea from?"

"Maru was bothered by all the fighting they did."

"Well, for those two being as super-smart as they are, they certainly can be a couple of stubborn idiots. It's complicated though and not my place beyond pointing out the fact the problem is they both care. They care too much." Caroline gave Ardyce a price for the groceries.

"I see."

"Also, don't just spend your time here in Stardew Valley looking for answers regarding Maru's disappearance. Visit the beach. Check out Marnie's ranch, even hike up to the mountains. Robin's place is up that way." Caroline paused in thought. "Actually, if you're single don't rule out the chance of meeting someone. There are quite a few individuals who aren't seeing anybody in particular, but more importantly it's not healthy to focus on the negative things that happen in life.

Ardyce didn't want to say one of those eligible bachelor's or bachelorette's might in fact might have caused Maru's disappearance.

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