chapter twenty six

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

"why is everyone staring at me?" sophie anxiously whispered to marella.

"ha that's a good one soph. it's all in your head. or they're just jealous of our matching jackets." she said, sounding a little off.

"it doesn't sound like it's either." linh squeaked.

"you know what it is don't you? and the only reason you wouldn't be telling if it was your fault." sophie pieced together. the three girls were walking down the hall to catch their first period classes. linh and sophie were headed to history and marella had a free period.

"you're gonna be so mad. just promise you won't kill me?" marella pleaded.

sophie gave her an intimidating glare before the bell rang and marella sighed a breath of relief. "oh this isn't over. you're telling me in chemistry." linh pulled sophie into their history class before she could protest and they took the last couple seats near the front, which was less than ideal for them.

when the teacher requested they checked their homework with the classmate sitting behind them, sophie groaned. she could feel his eyes boring into her head. she'd catch him staring at her every class. the braces he wore added to the spit collecting in the corners of his mouth. "hey shhophie." they also gave him a slobbery lisp.

sophie turned around and got out her homework sheet. "nice to see you valin." he took a moment to check her out, making sophie incredibly uncomfortable, before telling her his answer to the first question. she was starting to regret wearing this pink lady outfit marella had forced her into. linh gave sophie a look of disgust, obviously referring to valin, and she nodded in agreement.

"you look pppretty by the way. grease is one of my fffavorite movies." he spit.

"thanks." sophie cringed. this time was what she dreaded the most. waiting for the rest of the class to finish checking their answers was horrid with valin as your partner.

sophie was going to talk with linh, but she was occupied revising her homework. ugh. there was no way out of talking to valin. "ssso uh do you have any plans for friday?" no. he could not seriously be asking her to prom. what was she going to do?

"yeah i'm going to prom actually." valin lit up before sophie quickly added. "with my boyfriend." his face swiftly turned to a somber expression.

"oh. i guess i just thought those instagram photos were fake." sophie's brows furrowed and a question formed on the tip of her tongue but she was cut off by the teacher before she could ask. what instagram photos was he talking about? and was that what everyone was staring at her for? she regretted not downloading that stupid app.

her legs bounced the rest of class, ready to plow through the next 45 minute block she had without marella. luckily valin had stopped trying to talk to her, but that made sophie think whatever photos he saw of her, that made him believe she was cuffed, had to have been very convincing.

keefe whistled at sophie when she walked through the door. "lookin sexy, foster." he winked. sophie's face turned red and she threw a piece of crumpled paper at him as she took a seat beside him. "what? it's not like i'm the only once who's noticed. everyone else is just too chicken to say anything." she waved it off but sophie had seen several guys turn their heads when she would look around a room. "especially after finding out who your boyfriend is."

keefe smirked and sophie buried her face in her hands. "i don't have a boyfriend!" she groaned. "why does everyone think that?"

he placed his phone on her desk and sophie picked her head up to look what was on the screen. oh no. oh no no no no no. it was a picture from saturday night. she and the random guy she met at the party were standing on the pool table making out. that wasn't even the worst part. she wasn't. wearing. her top. sophie shrieked and hid behind her math text book. normally it would be her hair but she had it tied back to go with the spirit day theme. "see why people have a tough time believing you're single?"

when did she suddenly become so...noticed? it used to be easy to hang in the back of the class in the shadows. last tuesday had really turned her lifestyle upside down and she was afraid it wouldn't be for the better. "hey." keefe said, grabbing her attention away from her thoughts. "it's going to be okay." sophie nodded, that's all she really needed to hear.

she gave him a tight hug and took a deep breath in and out. "thanks keefe." sophie was threatened back to her seat with a glare from biana, who was dressed in marilyn monroe's iconic white gown and hairstyle.

"besides i'm sure marella wouldn't mind taking them down." sophie's eye twitched.

"marella? marella redek?" her shouts sounded less like questions but rather like death warrants. sophie chuckled evilly. "that girl is dead."

keefe smirked and put his hands on sophies shoulders. "sophie why don't we try to look at the pros here before you kill your best friend?" she begrudgingly agreed but still had a plan to murder her in an alley after school.

"let's see. one, you looked hot af in that picture. two, you had a bra on and the lighting wasn't very good so you could barely see anything. three, no guy is going to bother you if they think you're dating damel kafuta." sophie's heart sunk a little on that last one. was keefe going to stop hanging out with her because of that? "four, now i have more shit to bully you with."

her heart flipped but she shoved his hands off her. "you're an ass." keefe grinned before making his last snide comment.

"as least i'm not the one flaunting it in my tight leather pants." sophie's eyes widened and was close to smacking him over the head when the teacher made eye contact with her.

"this isn't over." she hissed as the teacher turned to write something on the whiteboard.

there was a substitute in chemistry so their assigned seats were merely optional but marella, keefe, and sophie sat next to each other anyway. tam seemed to be absent and jensi was at a debate competition. a few minutes in sophie whispered "marella im going to murder you!"

"so you found out? look i'm sorry but damels a HUGE deal and the fact you were kissing him isn't something people take lightly. i'm just trying to make sure you enjoy your last year of high school." marella explained.

sophie sighed and rubbed her face. "i get it. and your intentions were right but you need to consult me before posting pictures of me where i'm not wearing a shirt. especially if i'm drunk in it."

marella apologized but sophie wasn't quick to forgive. keefe watched as marella deleted her post and made sure she didn't have any copies on her camera roll. very little work was actually done for the class itself but it was a short block and there was a sub so the teacher would understand.

chemistry went by in a flash and sophie was starting to feel better knowing that the photos of her were off instagram. though the whispers didn't end when she walked into the cafeteria. they weren't negative, some girls even looked up at her in awe. it was strange.

"what was that all about?" she asked when they sat down. marella shrugged, she obviously knew but was still bummed about having to take down her post.

keefe looked down at his food and squirmed in his chair. "probably nothing." he mumbled.

"keefe? tell me. if it's about me i deserve to know." sophie demanded.

"it's just-"

"tell me!"

"people are saying you slept with damel."

happy valentine's day! sorry if this isn't the best chapter i'm writing this at 2 am :)

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