chapter thirty one

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

the moment he walked through the door keefe felt a huge weight on his chest. as if he'd done something terribly wrong. there were people dancing in the living room and couples moving up and down the stairs. he was searching the crowd for a particular blonde and smiled when he found her. she was leaning against a counter in the kitchen, sipping on a red solo cup. the white outfit she had on made her incredibly angelic. 

"look who finally made it." sophie smirked. that didn't seem right on her face. keefe was rubbing off on her too much, he didn't want to ruin her. keefe stuffed his hands in his pockets and nodded to the left. 

"want to go somewhere quieter?" sophie nodded and followed keefe to one of the guest bedrooms. he sat on the edge of the bed while sophie hopped onto the desk beside the window. keefe looked down at his feet. his heart was racing and the pit in his stomach expanded each time he made eye contact with sophie. its not like they were dating. so why did he feel this guilt around her from almost kissing biana?

" there a reason you wanted to talk in private?" he almost forgot his purpose for pulling her aside until then. keefe stretched awkwardly to hand sophie a rolled up paper with a red ribbon tied around it. she took it excitedly and giggled in delight. as sophie unraveled it keefe considered making a run for it. no need for an emotional exchange. 

"keeeeeefe!" sophie gushed. "when did you draw this?" he waved off her question and covered his nerves with a joke. 

"foster you sound like you've had one too many." 

she rolled her eyes "please i've had one drink. not even. you're just uncomfortable that someone is finally recognizing your amazing talent." sophies legs swung back and forth until she slid down. keefe shifted his weight from one side to another as sophie approached him. he jumped when she placed a hand on his shoulder, making her laugh. why was he reacting like this?

her other hand reached for his second shoulder and they slid down his back, clasping together to form a tight embrace around him. "thank you. it means a lot." she whispered. keefe tapped her back with his left hand, begrudgingly accepting the hug. keefe had spent hours studying sophie in class. with help from his photographic memory and the time he was resting his ankle, keefe finished his project in time for sophie's birthday.

"i had to put extra effort in to makeup for switching venues on you." sophie rubbed keefe's back for a last time before standing up right. 

"either way i was going to host." keefe gave her a puzzled look and she went on to explain. "do you really think marella would have allowed the party be at your house?" 

"fair point." they sat in silence for a few moments before keefe suggested "want to go back out there?" sophie agreed and headed towards the door. the loud music that had been playing was lowered and the stomping from the dancing had subsided. keefe went into one of the more populated living spaces, along with sophie, where fitz, dex, biana, tam, marella, and linh were all hanging out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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