chapter twenty one

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

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s o p h i e   f o s t e r

"i'm not going in there." sophie refused. currently linh, marella, and sophie were standing in front of a victoria's secret. marella had dragged them to the mall so they could all get new outfits for spirit week and first on her list was for them to get cute matching pajamas.

"look sophie i know you only shop at nike but sometimes it's nice to own clothing other than athletic wear." marella said looking down at the athletic shorts and t-shirt sophie was wearing. sophie glared and crossed her arms as she stormed past her friends into the store.

marella squealed and bounded in with linh following close behind. "nothing too skimpy." linh squeaked.

"of course not." she promised with a wink. "now ladies, what do we think of pink pajamas?"

linh shrugged not really caring much about the color but sophie shook her head against the idea. "pleaseeeee." marella pleaded like a puppy dog.

"i'll only go as far as wearing purple." sophie compromised.

"red?" marella questioned.


"ugh fine. party pooper." it didn't take long for marella to find a pajama set that was lavender purple, as requested, that came in all of their sizes. the top was a little cropped, sophie knew she would be pulling it down all day, but it was better to settle for this than anything more...revealing. "are you sure you girls don't wanna buy anything else while we're here? it's on me. once in a lifetime offer."

sophie was set on leaving the store as quickly as possible but linh had other plans. "well..." marella perked up and urged her on. " i don't think we can find what i want here" sophie let out a breath of relief. "my godfather, tiergan, has a son in college, named wylie, and he invited me and tam to a party tonight. tam isn't going" marella frowned "but i kinda wanna go. i've never gone without tam though so...would you guys want to come?"

marella squealed, much higher pitched than the first time, and wrapped her arms around linh. "of course! we'll be there!" linh looked to sophie with a raised eyebrow and she nodded in confirmation. edaline would probably agree but sophie thought it was best if she didn't mention it was a college party. "is it casual or formal? inside or outside? will there be alcohol?" marella started nagging linh with questions so sophie went to buy the pajamas.

"let's buy our 1950's outfits for blast from the past day." sophie suggested.

"taking the reigns on the shopping i see." marella smiled.

sophie rolled her eyes "i just want to get this over with as soon as possible." she explained.

"okayyy suuure. but you're right. i know the perfect outfits. we'll dress as pink ladies!" marella exclaimed.

"pink ladies?" linh asked. sophie was equally as confused. marella just looked at the in disgust.

"you uncultured swines. you've seriously never seen grease?" linh and sophie looked at each other than back at marella with clueless expressions. "you haven't heard of danny zuko? sandy? frenchy?!"

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