chapter twenty seven

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k e e f e   s e n c e n

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k e e f e s e n c e n

"there. are you happy?" keefe certainly wasn't. sure he was acting like the rumor was a joke to him. in reality it was anything but. he was ready to mess up who ever started it. they were tainting sophie's reputation.

she frowned and looked to linh who was just taking a seat. "well?"

"well what?-ARE YOU ASKING-" sophie paused when heads began to turn their way. she lowered her voice and continued. "you think i slept with him?"

keefe could hear the hurt in her voice but he could care less. what was she thinking by kissing damel? that's not how his sophie acted. "it doesn't matter what i think." keefe got up from his seat and collected his things. "i'm gonna sit with fitz."

sophie scoffed but didn't persuade him otherwise. he dropped his backpack on the floor beside his usual, and empty, chair. fitz looked up with an unsettling smirk. "trouble in paradise?"

"oh shut up vacker." keefe could tell he loved getting a rise out of him so he tried to get it together.

"damn she took it down." dex frowned.

"yeah nice to see you too dizznee." keefe said sarcastically as he stumbled into his seat, looking back at sophie sadly.

dex ignored keefe and showed his friends marella's instagram profile. "it's goneeeee." he whined.

"i don't even want to know what you were going to do with that photo." fitz chuckled. keefe snickered along making dex turn off his phone.

"it's not like that." dex defended. "a sophomore from FUEL that's majoring in engineering, who's literally my idol, commented on her post. i thought i would ask marella if she knew him, but wanted to get you guys' advice first. now that it's gone i feel weird talking to her about it." he frowned.

"huxley trel? man his comment was hilarious!" fitz laughed. "what was it again?"

"nothing appropriate." keefe grumbled. fitz looked to him with a confused expression.

"what's wrong with you? shouldn't you be happy? this drama is only boosting your prodigy's popularity. maybe you won't have to shave your head after all." fitz took a sip out of his water bottle but keefe refused to answer. "is someone starting to catch feelings?" he quirked up an eyebrow.

dex left to throw out his trash when fitz pressed keefe harder on the topic. "wouldn't you two make the cutest couple. orphan annie and-"

"watch it." keefe snarled.

fitz grinned evily and patted him on the back. "relax man. it's not like you actually like her." keefe looked to sophie. she was laughing. what was she laughing about? who was making her laugh? did he make her laugh as much as she was now? it was a minute before keefe recognized who was standing next to her. dex had stolen her sunglasses and she was fighting to get them back.

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