chapter nineteen

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s o p h i e    f o s t e r

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s o p h i e    f o s t e r

"you guys! tell me more! you know how mad i am about missing senior ditch day!" marella was whining about having to stay home and prying sophie and linh for details. 

"i don't think you'd find my day very interesting." linh promised. "sophie's on the other hand..."

marella clapped her hands together and squealed. "i saw you and keefe holding hands on your cute little date!"

sophie's eyes widened in alarm and she grabbed marella's arm. "where?!" marella pulled away and from her grasp and threw herself onto her bed. sophie and keefe had spent the whole trip together, linh only returning at the end of the day, and had driven both girls over to marella's house for their slumber party. keefe complained about not being invited the whole drive. sophie smiled at the memory and linh gave her a cheeky grin, did she know what she was thinking about?

"biana posted a picture on instagram and you two were in the background." 

"i'm sure she wasn't too happy when she noticed." linh chuckled. 

marella's eyes lit up, excited to share her news. "get this. five minutes after she posted, biana took it down."

sophie took out her phone to see if marella was right and opened the app her friends made her download after cheer practice one day. biana's photo was the first to pop up on her feed and sophie squinted to see if she could recognize her and keefe in the back. "i don't see-"

"let me finish. geez." marella interrupted. "biana posted the same picture but she photo shopped you guys out of it. don't worry i screen shotted the original post if you want to see it." sophie nodded vigorously and marella threw her her phone. sure enough a tall blonde with messy hair, definitely keefe, was tugging on a smaller figure with what seemed to be a pretzel in their mouth, 100% sophie. 

linh sat up from lying on marella's fuzzy rug next to sophie and looked closely at the picture. "awww you guys are adorable." sophie whipped her head to face linh and glared. "okay okay i'll shut up."

marella took her phone back and sighed. "what do you guys feel like doing?"

"homework?" linh suggested. 

"i actually have an english paper i'd love for you to-" sophie started.

"what is wrong with you two? have you ever been to a sleepover before? who am i kidding of course you haven't." marella stopped for a minute, looking up at her chandelier then back down to her friends. "i've got it." she smirked. "we're playing truth or dare."

linh and sophie groaned simultaneously. "you don't want to play?" marella frowned. the two looked at each other and gave in.

"fine. we'll play a game. just not truth or dare." sophie agreed.

"yes! i have an even better idea." 

hours later, after eating dinner and showering, sophie, marella, and linh were all talking on marella's huge king sized bed. "i almost forgot! we still have to plan your birthday party." marella declared. 

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