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ELIAS GAZED OVER EREN'S passed out figure

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ELIAS GAZED OVER EREN'S passed out figure. Having kept watch over the boy for three days now, he grew tired of keeping guard. Hell, he'd rather sit through Hange's titan theories than be stuck in the underground jailhouse. The redhead was soon brought out his boredom by the presence of Erwin and Levi.

Sending a nod of acknowledgment, he gazed back at Eren's passed out figure. "Well, since you're both here, I'll take my leave"

"hold it, string bean" Elias groaned as Levi tightened his grip on the redheads elbow.

Not wanting to meet Levi's icy glare, Elias opted to stand on the other side of Erwin. The more distance between him and the corporal, the less likely he is to be injured. Or so he likes to think.

Seeing Eren's body jolt up caught his attention. The brunet's shallow breathing indicating he must've woken up from a bad dream. It wasn't until those piercing green eyes landed on his figure that Elias started to grow uncomfortable. Those same eyes staring him down as they did seven years ago.

The redhead decided that his shoes were far more entertaining than the conversation at hand. Erwin noticed the boy's lack of involvement but decided to not comment on it, planning on questioning him as soon as they get back to HQ. Elias was thankful that the commander didn't prompt him to speak up—facing the doctor's son wasn't something he was ready for.

What Elias failed to notice was the look of admiration in Eren's eyes. Though the brunet conversed with Erwin over his predicament, he couldn't help but steal glances at the stoic male. Hell, Elias Smith was everything Eren Jaeger wanted to be. Elias was already a skilled soldier; known for his kill count, stealth, and his unmoving determination.

Eren Jaeger admired Elias Smith. Anyone could see that except the officer himself. All of his staring made the male believe that the titan shifter was studying him. Leaving him with an unsettling feeling in his stomach that he hated.

Hearing the clanks of the shackles, Elias looked up alarmed. Seeing the fixation of his worries with an almost feral expression froze him in place. What Jaeger proudly stated next had goosebumps crawling up Elias's skin.

"I want to join the survey corps and just slaughter the titans!"

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Elias softly hummed while sitting on the end of Eren's bed. Having been ordered to keep watch of the guards assigned to Jaeger's cell. He brought the boy some snacks as he couldn't help but feel bad. The situation that Eren was in wasn't ideal, but what could you do? The people of the interior see him as a monster while those in wall rose see him as a savior.

Seeing those scum denying Eren of water and the bathroom annoyed him even more. Sure, he might not like the kid but it doesn't mean that Elias would strip him of his basic needs. Stealing a quick glance at the titan shifter, Elias caught the attention of the two MP's.

"C'mon fellas, give the poor guy a break. Did you forget? He's the reason why humanity is safe!" a smug grin adorn his handsome face. The click of his rifle shocked those around him. His grin being replaced by a deathly glare. "Or do I have to remind you?"

Eren watched as the two soldiers shook, fear captivating them as they faced forward. He heard the redhead mumble 'good' while shifting his gaze towards the ground. His tight grip on the rifle loosening up. The brunet was about to thank Elias until he heard the bars loudly shake.

"Hange, what the hell!"

"Oh Elias, how I've missed you!"

Soon, both boys walked down the hallway leading to the military court. As Hange introduced themselves and Miche, the redhead could see the pleading glances of the titan shifter from the corner of his eye. Nudging Miche softly, he gestured for the section commander to quit sniffing the poor boy.

As the trio parted ways with Eren, an unsettling feeling lingered in Elias's stomach once more. Maybe it's the fact that he didn't know what Erwin was planning, but he sure as hell knows that Eren needs to be handed custody to the survey corps in order to insure his safety.

Having a good overall view of the court benefitted the redhead. He was able to study and take note of everyone's body language. How one presented themselves under pressure  or how one reacted in these sort of events. Elias took note of it all. It brings back memories of when he was in Eren's position.

Peering over, Elias warm hazel hues met with Eren's blazing green. The titan shifter not only defended his childhood friend, Mikasa Ackerman, he also talked back to the crowd. His little speech made those on the right cower in fear, hearing his handcuffs clash against the pole put some on edge.

Nile ordered one of his soldiers to aim at Eren made his blood run cold. If it wasn't for Miche grabbing onto his jacket, Elias would've jumped down in a heartbeat. It wasn't till he saw Levi kick the brunet's side did he relax. Looking over to Erwin, he noticed the commander's relaxed stance.

Though Elias didn't appreciate the sight of a bloodied cadet, he was quite grateful that Zachary gave the scouts custody over Eren. Making sure most of his weight leaned towards him, Elias carefully walked Eren into one of the many rooms in the courthouse. He sat next to the brunet as he watched Hange tend to his bruises.

Erwin apologized and thanked the titan shifter for enduring his beating. Explaining that he was able to play his cards right in order for Zachary to rule in their favor. Though the commander did give Elias a disapproving glare when he heard him mumble 'victory my ass.'

Turning towards the brunet, Elias offered a smile. A smile that Eren could tell was in-genuine. Offering his calloused hand, Eren took to it with a firm grip. Those burning green meeting once more with now distant hazel.

"Welcome to the survey corps, I look forward to delivering your eulogy"


some side notes

-I'm surprised I was able to finish this chapter up considering the amount of snow that has fallen. Currently, I have no power or running water in my home and I'm charging my phone in the car as I'm typing this.

-did I purposely have Elias and Eren share a birthday? Yes. Did I purposely make Eren 'admire' Elias? Also yes.

-also I hope you don't mind me skipping the 104th cadet training and battle of trost arcs.

-comment and vote! I want to see your guy's reactions/feedback!

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