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A CHILDLIKE GRIN COULD BE seen on Elias's fair skin

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A CHILDLIKE GRIN COULD BE seen on Elias's fair skin. The slight rush of adrenaline pumped through his veins—cold air brushing past him. Anybody could clearly see that Smith was in a state of euphoria, who could blame him? He always seemed at ease outside of the walls.

Though a jab to his side brought him back to reality. Sending Levi a quick glare before facing forward once more. Catching the shouts of Erwin, Levi squad made sure to get into position. Knowing that this is supposed to be a short trip, Elias could feel the tension leaving his body. Comfortable with the idea that all of his comrades will make it back with only few to no casualties.

Oh how he was so wrong.

He didn't know how much time has passed, but the sight of green smoke so close by the center worried him. The redhead could sense an incoming presence. It was another soldier. He had informed them that the right flank had been destroyed. His hazel hues widening at the news. Elias's once calm demeanor now on edge. It didn't help that he could feel Eren's worries too.

Catching sight of black smoke, he unintentionally tightened the reins on his horse. He'd probably have to give an extra carrot or two once they made it back to the walls. Levi had ordered for Eren to fire the smoke signal. Turning slightly, Elias had hoped that the corporal would catch his stare.

"Levi, let me take care of it" the calmness of his voice had caught the attention of the titan shifter. Looking in awe at the officer.

"You're under my jurisdiction now, I can't have you acting recklessly" the lieutenant didn't even spare him a glance. Only looking forward to their destination.

Elias nerves felt like they were on fire. Seeing the black markings crawling up his arms didn't help at all. "Reckless my ass! Levi, I can help take that fucker down"

"My answers still no"

Elias made sure the corporal could hear his tsk, annoyed that he couldn't help, annoyed that those stupid markings didn't go away. He could feel a set of eyes staring into the back of his head. Already knowing who it is, he didn't bother looking back. His attention going back to the front, catching sight of the cluster of trees.

Even though the were still miles away, he could still see the recon squads going around the forest instead of entering like the center did. His suspicions only grew when he saw the last supply cart enter the forest. Elias gave a quick glance towards the corporal, narrowing his gaze once he noticed the mans expressionless face.

As Eren started questioning the corporal, Elias looked back at his comrades. Not a single one adorning the same aura as Levi, he knew something was up. While turning forward, he gave his reins one last squeeze before looking up at the sky. A trick he used to calm his nerves.

"A black smoke round?"

"It's from directly behind us! It's whatever was coming towards us on the right" the roughness in Eld's voice only gave it away that he was on edge, at least to the officer.

Almost as if on instinct, his hands reached for his blades. Levi seeming to have the same idea told the rest to draw them out as well. Informing them that if the squad were to see the 'abnormal,' it would only be for a second. Not fully trusting his words, Elias gazed towards the back. Catching sight of a scout mid-air. At least, it was a scout.

The splatter of blood could be heard thanks to the titan. She frantically made her way over to them, the feral gaze in her eyes had left Elias with a burning sensation. The black markings now crawling towards his upper body. Though he could feel goosebumps, he never once looked back. Elias's hazel remained locked on the titan's icy blues.

As Gunther, Eld, and Petra tried convincing the corporal to switch to ODM gear, Levi could only watch the titan behind them. Ignoring their frantic pleas. Seeing the reinforcements soon get knocked out, Elias couldn't help but join in their pleas.

"Levi, everybody here is skilled enough to take that bitch down. Let us fight!" Though he spoke quietly, the anger in Elias's tone could be heard by everybody.


"Give us your orders!"

"At this rate, it will catch up to us! We kill it here...that's why we came to this forest! Right, captain?"

Despite their pleas, Levi still held his calm demeanor. Only making eye contact with the female titan behind them. As he told the rest to cover their ears, Elias only grew more nervous once he saw what was in his small hands.

Looking back at the titan, he was consumed by melancholy. He used to once find comfort in those icy blues, only now, they were fighting for different parties. Making sure his ears were covered, the fair toned boy looked back up at the sky again. Trying his best to calm himself.

'Was this all planned, Erwin?'


some side notes

-If any of you are wondering what his markings look like, I imagine Sukuna's when I write. The only difference is that Elias's markings come and go, being able to spread quickly/slowly depending on his emotional state

-the explanation of his 'abilities' will come to light soon I promise! For now. I will only give you hints to which I hope y'all are catching

-I can't wait to write about s3 and s4! It's the only thing that's getting me through these rough times.

-I also hope y'all don't mind if I don't go into too much depth in the fighting scenes. I feel like everybody already knows what's going down for the most part so there's isn't really a need to go into full detail.

-also I've been in pain after reading ch.138

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