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LEVI SQUAD PLUS ELIAS WERE now on their way to the former headquarters of the survey corps

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LEVI SQUAD PLUS ELIAS WERE now on their way to the former headquarters of the survey corps. Why Elias has to tag along, he had no idea. If it wasn't for Oruo's constant yapping, the redhead wouldn't have dreaded the trip. How Eren got roped up into his rambling was the least of his concerns.

Elias tuned out Petra scolding the Levi wannabe as he brought his horse back to the stables. Walking alongside Eld and Gunther—weeds and moss in all their glory, he couldn't help but be disgusted by the sight of the castle. The redhead hummed in agreement to the duos regards towards the castle. He couldn't help but imagine the expression Levi was going to make at the ungodly sight.

"This is a serious problem. We'll get started immediately." seeing Levi's already sunken eyes look even more deadly almost made Elias feint.

The corporal had assigned him to cleaning the bedrooms. Making sure no dust particles or cobwebs were left unattended, Elias was able to quickly finish his assignment. On his way to look for the short man, the redhead couldn't help but overhear the sudden gossiping of Eren and Petra.

"—he's been given the moniker humanity's forgotten child among the soldiers. You're a fan of his aren't you?" The redhead could hear the embarrassment in the brunet's voice as he muttered a yes. "Elias can come off as a bit cold and sometimes crude but he's really a nice guy! Don't take anything he says personally, okay?"

Having heard enough, Elias let out a loud enough grunt to get the duos attention. He made sure his face was void of any emotions—having people know that he's nosy would be the end of him. Elias asked the two if they've seen the corporal, only for Eren to tell him he would be coming back soon. Sitting down on the rough bed, the redhead settled his gaze on the titan shifter.

"Were you let down?"

Before Eren could even respond Levi had entered the room. Petra quickly went back to sweeping while Eren's relaxed posture went stiff. Elias could only grumbled in annoyance at the raven haired man. Hearing that the brunet had to re-clean the upper floor earned a snicker out of the redhead.

His enjoyment didn't last long as Levi told him he'd pluck out the weeds surrounding the castle. Catching Eren's smug grin made his mood sour. If it wasn't for Levi kicking his ass, Elias would've punched Eren right then and there.

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Elias stared down at his tea cup. He'd tune in and out of the conversations going on in front of him. Levi squad discussed the upcoming expedition , their worries about bringing along the new recruits, Eren being humanity's last hope. Quite frankly, he hated that stupid name they put on the titan shifter.

Elias wouldn't flat out say it, but he was concerned about Eren's mental being. Having thousands of people unknowingly putting this immense amount of pressure to succeed—Elias would've cracked in an instance. The redhead didn't bother looking in the brunet's direction when he started talking about his titan abilities.

Hearing the stumbling footsteps made him perk up. He looked towards the door with a slight glare, already being able to tell who was behind the door through their smell. As Petra opened the door, Elias tried his best to excuse himself from the situation. He would've gotten away with it if it want for cold hands squishing his face.

"You're not even going to greet your squad leader?"Their teasing voice made Elias want to strangle himself.

"Piss off goggles, I'm going to bed" pushing Hange's face away, he mumbled a 'goodnight' to the rest of the Levi squad.

The events that would occur the next morning were unimaginable. Elias heard from Moblit that the two captured titans, Sawney and Bean, have been killed.

Erwin has beckoned for Elias to join him and Levi. As the commander informed him about the upcoming expedition, Elias couldn't help but look back at the sight behind him. As Hange's screams intensified, he couldn't help but feel this burning sensation throughout his body.

The redhead briefly saw black markings crawling up his arms before they immediately disappeared. That burning sensation made him aware of his surroundings. Looking over the gathered soldiers like a hawk. He couldn't help but have one thought in mind.

There's a traitor among us.


some side notes

-feel like I should've mentioned this somewhere in the beginning, but Elias is originally a member of Hange's squad. He wasn't made aware, but Erwin and Levi decided he should join his squad since he'll be helping with keeping Eren 'under control'

-I'm very tempted to make Elias and Eren have this sort of soulmate relationship type beat but I'm not sure how that'd play out

-Also sorry if Elias seems sort of aloof in these first couple of chapters—more specifically with Eren and any interactions with the 104th cadets. I slowly want to showcase not only his personality, but also his relationships with the scouts and other characters as the plot develops

-Elias's feelings are sort of all over the place with Eren and I'll dive more deeply into that once the survey corps goes on their 57th expedition

-p.s, Elias's hates alcohol and like Levi, he prefers teas. He especially enjoys Chamomile as it helps him loosen his nerves and fall asleep with ease

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