Shane • Breakfast in Bed

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This is sickeningly sweet but hey, it's my birthday. I get to write the fanfic.
Consider this a valentines day gift from me.

This is a female reader by the way. Sorry, this is really self-indulgent lol.
(E/c)=Eye colour

"Hey." The sound of the blinds being opened awoken the farmer; her mutters of protest following right after.

"Hey."  She felt the bed dip with another persons weight, but she still refused to get up.

"Wake up, Hun." She felt a gentle kiss being placed on her forehead; she smiled softly at the sensation.

"I made breakfast." (Y/n) giggled tiredly, her boyfriend peppering her face with soft kisses. She finally opened her eyes. Shane hovered above her, caressing her face in his hand. (Y/n) hooked her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He sighs in peaceful bliss, rubbing his thumb across her soft cheek. (Y/n) parted from the kiss, sitting upright.

"Good morning, Farmer." Shane chuckled. "Or should I say afternoon- It's almost twelve." He said. "I've been up since eight or nine, I think." Shane admitted, watching as (Y/n) yawned, rubbing at her eyes. "Oh? Why is that?" She questioned him, pulling the duvet over her shoulders. Shane rolled his eyes teasingly, going over to flick the tip of her nose. "Maybe I'd still be asleep if someone didn't hog the blanket." Shane teases, playfully tossing the blanket over (Y/n)s body. (Y/n) sputtered and threw the blanket away from her head. "Hey! No I didn't!" She exclaimed. Shane smiled and kissed the corner of their lips. "Yeah, yeah whatever."

Shane stood up and stretched his back; The farmer protesting at his absence in the bed. "Be right back." He told (Y/n).

(Y/n) stretched her arms, yawning sleepily. Shane pecked her forehead one last time and walked into the kitchen. He came back balancing a plate of their favourite breakfast dish in his hand and a cup of coffee in another. (Y/n) took the plate eagerly. She sipped at the coffee, which was still steaming hot. "It's perfect, thank you Shane." She muffled midway of shoving a piece of toast into her mouth.

Shane laughed heartily. "Woah there Farmer, don't die on me here." (Y/n) muttered an apology, embarrassed. Shane shook his head and took the now empty plate from them.

(Y/n) flopped back onto their back, full and sleepy. Shane came in once again, only to fall next to the farmer. "Well I'm beat." He sighs, throwing the fluffy duvet over the both of them. "Did you do the farm work?" She asked, snuggling closer to the warm bed. "Well just the animal stuff, really. Didn't really know what to do with the crops." He muttered, his eyes getting droopy. "That's fine, nothing's supposed to be harvested until next week." (Y/n) spoke quietly, deep in thought.

Shane moved closer to the farmer, wrapping his arms around her torso. (Y/n) smiled and scooted closer to his warm frame. Shane traced small shapes into her back, burying his face into the crook of her neck. (Y/n) giggled at the sensation of Shanes breath on her neck. She combed her hand through his plum coloured hair, the other embracing his body close to hers.

"Buh, I'm so tired." Shane mumbled wearily, the vibration of his voice so close to (Y/n)s neck that it sent a chill down their spine. She chuckles sleepily. "A nap wouldn't hurt." Shane shrugged his shoulders. "You're right."

"Love you." Shane spoke quietly, finally drifting back to sleep. He started to snore silently, his chest rising up and down in a steady pattern.

(Y/n) gave a half-assed smiled and closed her eyes, slumber ebbing away at her conscious.

"I love you too."


I'll write a part two for this at some point, just wanted to put out something short.

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