Shane | a Friend?

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Shane is confused as shit lmao also this is everywhere and messy.

This is kinda in Shane's p.o.v, which I'm new to. So it's not perfect, but it's the effort that matters I guess. And damn dude these take me FOREVER.

(H/c): Hair color
(F/c): Favorite color

gender-neutral reader


Shanes finger runs along the rim of his cup, as he stares into the drops left behind from the sparkling water.
After the whole fiasco he started to drink more of the fizzy water, it was hard but he had someone to help him through thick and thin, something that even they told him. A friend. 'A friend, just a friend.' He thought.

A oh so familiar flutter erupted at the bottom of his heart at the mention of them, a familiar feeling he attempts to push away. But even Yoba knows he can't, just the thought of their heart-warming smile brought a smile to his own face.

He looks up from his glass and sees that the door has opened to reveal the holder of his heart, (Y/n). They stride in with a small basket in their hands. Shane watches from the corner of his eye the farmer approaching him as they greet the others in the saloon.

(Y/n) sits next to Shane, plopping the small basket in front of him. "Hey Shane!" They gleefully greet him. Their (H/c) hair tousled up and dirt smeared along their (F/c) button-up shirt and rosy cheeks.

Shane snaps out of his love induced trance and clears his throat. "Hey." Shane looks at the basket then at the farmer, "Uh, are these mine?"

(Y/n) brushes a hand through their hair and grins. "Of course, silly!"

Shane feels his face flush hot, as he shot them a awkward grin. "Thanks. I really like this." He stares at them for a few seconds longer and clears his throat then takes a sip of the sparkling water. He glances once more at them, only to be met with the playful stare of (E/c) eyes.

(Y/n) presses a hand to their flushed cheek, shooting him a wink. "Like what you see, Chicken boy?" Shane then proceeds to blush harder and buries his head into his arms. "it's a fever...." He mumbles, silently losing his shit over the nickname.

Not too long ago, the farmer walked in on him and one of Charlie's talk sessions and Yoba, they wouldn't stop talking about it. It was the most embarrassing moment of Shane's life. Hence forward 'Chicken boy' was his nickname. He'd never admit it, but he loves that nickname, only because of the farmer.

Shane looks up at (Y/n), his green eyes gazing into (e/c) eyes. He sighs and looks away. 'They're just a friend, they wouldn't like a useless jerk like me.' Shane thought woefully to himself, thoughts of them running wild through his head. He sees the farmer fidgeting with their backpack, a faint blush on their cheeks. 'Huh, I wonder what's the matter?'

(Y/n) grins nervously at him, and opens their mouth to say something but the loud yells of Sam beckoning them to play a round of pool interrupted the two. Shane and (Y/n) both wistfully stare at eachother, not wanting to part just yet. Shane hadn't noticed the look of affection and love in the farmers eyes.

They sigh and wistfully smile at Shane, waving goodbye as they run to meet with the trio.

Shane feels as if his heart would explode, feeling it beat at a inhumane speed. He sighs, hope diminishing as he had thought of a confession of love pouring forth from the lips of the farmer. He decides to call it a night and places a few coins on the counter. Both Gus and Emily bid him a farewell as he stands up from his seat, the basket of peppers in his pocket.

Shane walks to the door, pushing it open. He hears a call of urgency and shrugs it off, it was a Friday after all, it's almost impossible for the saloon to be quiet on a Friday. He starts the walk home, staring into the sky.

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