Shane | Headcanons

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mmm touch-starved Shane is my jam

+Shane is Pansexual, He isn't picky about looks or gender.

+Touch-starved baby, just hug him and tell him he's worth it, he'll MELT.

+But, if you go too crazy on the contact early in the relationship, he'll get annoyed.

+When cuddling, he loves to bury his face into your neck. No reason in particular, just likes the warmth and closeness.

+Sort of awkward at contact at the start of the relationship, but quickly warms up to it.

+Once used to it, he starts to slowly initiate contact.

+PDA in public makes him REAL blushy and shy, can only handle holding hands.

+You made him so soft, but Shane won't complain.

+Marnie and Emily are your biggest supporters. As soon as they saw you two together, they just knew.

+Shane sort of struggles to show verbal affection, but he can totally put his words into soft kisses and long hugs.

+When you run your hands through his hair while holding him close plus whispering loving words into his ear, he just feels so loved that he wants to cry.

+God, he loves you so much. When talking to Emily or someone else, he'll mention you once or twice. (like Ned from the try guys hehe)

+Has a very wholesome smile and a handsome grin. But he rarely smiles, so it's a rare treat to see said smiles.

+Has a loud, hearty laugh, but also a air laugh. Both you rarely hear, mostly just lets out small chuckles and 'ha's.

+Ok, he doesn't really know how to do alot of stuff, but the stuff he does know how to do, he excels at.

+Went through a emo phase which he will never mention.

+Gives good advice on life and what not.

+Grew up in a dysfunctional home, a emotionally abusive mother, an alcoholic father, and a little sister he raised. His sister was Jas' mother.

+most of Shane's family are involved with animals. Him and his sister spent alot of their summer's at Marnie's ranch.

+Shane may complain about Marnie alot, but he knows his Aunt means well, and without her him and Jas would still be on the streets.

+Definitely a crier. He bursted into happy sobs when you proposed. When you walked down the isle he definitely let out a sob or two.

+ He wants to name his daughter Charlotte, after his deceased sister.

+As a kid he loved helping with the animals, he still loves animals to this day, especially chickens.

+Seeing you in his sweater makes him flustered, it's so big and loose which makes you look cute.

+ Around six to five hearts is when he realizes his feelings for you.

+He sits on the bus, coming home from Zuzu for an appointment and he gazes out the window, thinking of how much the farmer has done for him, how determined they are, how much he wants to hold them and kiss them, and that's when he realizes, 'oh fuck I have a crush on the farmer.'

+Feeling self-conscious? Boom, a big kiss to the lips and cuddles. He whispers how much he loves you and how he thinks your perfect while tracing small shapes into your skin, complimenting each and every mark on your skin.


i lov,,,,, this man,,,,

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