Shane | Bad Dream

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TW: Contains mentions of suicide,
And panic.

I will mark the triggering parts to indicate when to skip.

Please, if you or a loved one are struggling with suicidal thoughts, remember that everything gets better. I love you all very much.


(Y/n) has a nightmare about Shane and sappy comforting ensues.

The song that I was thinking about for their first dance together was My Kind of Woman - Mac DeMarco

Gender neutral reader :) Hope y'all enjoy!

"Hello?" A lone voice called out.

"Is anyone here?" No one replied.



That was all (Y/n) saw. They wondered blindly in the dark, hoping to find a source of light. Stumbling blindly, they had a hand on the wall to guide themselves.

It seemed that they were walking around in a hallway. A long one at that.

(Y/n) shakily sighs, their knees wobbling. They felt so weak.


You couldn't save him.

He's dead.

(Y/n) shook their head, blocking the voice out.

A loud sob pierced through the silence, eerily echoing throughout the hall. (Y/n) stopped dead in their tracks.

That was Jas.

(Y/n) stumbles clumsily towards the source of the cries. A faint glow grew brighter the closer they got. "Jas?!" (Y/n) cried out, their throat felt so parched.

"Jas! Honey are you here?!" They shout, frantically following the light which only grew brighter and brighter. They only grew weaker and weaker.

Finally, they found the small girl. Jas was sitting in front of a bright white doorway, with the sound of heavy rain pouring from the door. (Y/n) wasn't able to see through it but made haste.

Jas turns to look at (Y/n), her face emotionless.

(Y/n) kneels next to Jas, cupping her face in theirs. "Jas, sweetie are you okay?" They ask, checking for any injuries.

Jas stiffly placed her small hands on top of (Y/n)'s. Her face never moving. Eyes never blinking.

"He's gone." Jas mutters blankly.

"You couldn't save him."

(Y/n) scrambles away in shock, this wasn't Jas. They slowly stood up, knees threatening to give out. (Y/n)'s vision went blurry, making them lean against the wall for support. The light hurt their head. Jas' voice echoed in their head repeatedly.

"What are you talking about?!" They look towards dream Jas. She pointed towards the door.

They quickly shuffled to the doorway, raising an arm to shield their eyes from the blinding white light. The rain only got heavier and louder, making their ears ring.

(Y/n) pushes through the door.

(Trigger warning! Skip this part if you are sensitive to suicide.)

Suddenly they appeared in Cindersap Woods. Why were they here?

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, watching a familiar figure in the distance.

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