Shane | Birthday

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emily the wingman, and a flustered shane who's like "oh fuck oh shit the farmers a cutie and they wanna be friends with me hnng-"

(F/c): favorite color.

It was a lovely spring morning, the sun shining brightly on to the farmer's peacefully closed eyes.

(Y/n) arose groggily from her slumber, stretching her back and arms then shuffling out of bed. An excited bark fully awoken her, her dog jumping around.

"Hey pal, what's the deal?" (Y/n) kneels down to pet the excited pup.

She then grabbed a pair of overalls, and a (F/c) t-shirt then walks into her washroom. Humming a catchy tune, she got ready for the day.

(Y/n) yawns as she made a pot of coffee, sitting at the table. The machine beeps, grabbing a mug and pouring some of the strong brew into said mug, she looked at the calender.

Spring 20. (Y/n) silently gasps, jerking her hand a bit. She winced as the boiling hot liquid splashed onto her hand. It was Shane's birthday. Her overtired mind made her overreact a bit.

(Y/n) and Shane were on... not very friendly terms. Shane was a jerk when she ever tried to talk to him, and she's almost given up at this point but it was his birthday, so...

She sighs and grabs her backpack and went out to the vast field of her farm.

'I'll get him a gift later,' she thought to herself. 'I wonder if anyone knows his likes and what not.'

Two hours later, she finishes her farm work, just finally putting the crops and animal products into the bin.

"Yoba, I'm exhausted." (Y/n) spoke to herself. Quickly heading inside to freshen up, she walks into town.

'Hmm, it's twelve o'clock,' she looks at her pocket watch. 'I'm pretty sure Shane gets off work at five? I have five hours to find out what he likes.'

Walking to the saloon, she opens the door, the strong aroma of beer and fresh food filling her nose.

Gus, who was wiping down the counter, noticed the farmer. "Why, hello farmer (Y/n)!" She took a seat at the counter, greeting him back. He puts down his cloth.

"It's pretty early, but I'm always down for a quick visit," Gus smiles. "So what do you need?" (Y/n) fiddled with the buttons on her overalls.

"Well, I, uh, n-needed to know what, um...Shane likes..." She mumbles, embarassed.

Gus' face contorts in confusion. "Can you say that again? My ears aren't as good as they used to be." He chuckles.

(Y/n) sighs. "I just wanted to know what Shan-" she paused abruptly, realizing how odd the question was. "On second thought, I should just go." She stands up, waving.

"Hey wait-" Gus calls out, but she closes the door behind her before he could finish. (Y/n) let out an awkward cough then began to make her way over to Marnie's Ranch.

The farmer walks over to the ranch, waving at whoever she passes by.

She arrives at the ranch shortly after, walking in. Marnie stands at the counter, reading a novel.

Marnie noticed the farmer standing at the door, and places her book onto the counter. "Hello farmer (Y/n)!" (Y/n) walks over to the counter, waving hello.

"What brings you here?" Marnie questions the farmer. "I needed to ask you something." (Y/n) replies.

Marnie smiles. "Well ask away!" (Y/n) sighs and began to fiddle with her fingers. "I- Um- Uh- needed some hay!" (Y/n), yet again, chickened out.

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