Shane | Headcanons II

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this'll contain a lot more friendship Headcanons, hehe

TW!: Alcohol mentions,,


+You and him are like best friends before and in a relationship, like the kind where you both can be goofballs then romantic. It's nice.

+The farmer has like one braincell, and Shane has it most of the time for safekeeping.

+ "Does my hat make me look mysterious?"

"You look like a nerd."


-the kind of conversations they would have.

+Shane is always down for a nap and some cuddles, all you have to do is ask. He's pleasant to hold, especially when it's cold. Also he doesn't mind being the big spoon or the lil spoon, as long as he's with his farmer.

+Emily teases you two alot, but it's all in good fun.

+You can tell if he's comfortable around you if he smiles more, talks about himself more, and if he starts to make more jokes and teases you.

+You know how Gen-Z humor is right? If you talk like that around him he gets nervous and scared. So you have to explain, and even after you do he keeps a eye on you.

+Has a bit of a dark humor.

+ Platonic flirting. It's like a competition between you two. It gets more competitive when you both start dating.

+If you accomplish something, like a new recipe he'll award you with a kiss on the cheek (or lips heheh) and a "Good job love, I'm proud."

+The farmer can hold their alcohol well, which Shane noticed. They had drinking sessions before.

+Shane isn't one to use pet names alot, but he when he does its when he's in a really good mood or a sappy mood. His favorites are: Darling, Love, Birdie, Chickadee, Sweetie and Babe.

+He'll try to understand your interests and hobbies and what not, It's entertaining to him.

"So it's a wizarding school??? What about other subjects like math? It doesn't hurt to have a bit of logic "

"I don't think they need math if they have magic."

"Ok this kinda makes no sense but you do you, babe."

+I feel like he sleeps weird. Like he's either shys away at the edge of the bed while hogging the blanket or spread out with the blanket halfway across the room.

+He's accustomed to waking up early to get to work, but when Joja Mart closes He'd get up to go for a walk and to sneak in a chore or two.

+Has a nice, deep voice.


ahahaha i have writers block

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