Chapter 9: Crossroads

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I felt like a stalker watching Naudia practice with Jade for the upcoming talent show in the auditorium after school. I sat in the balcony seating where she couldn’t see me. I wanted her, but she won’t speak to me. I just needed to be near her honestly, and this is the closest I could get to her right now.

“I didn’t know we resulted to stalking now.” Antonio said, taken a seat in the row behind me.

“It’s not stalking, I go to school here to.” I replied not taking my eyes off her.

“You know, you have really gone crazy lately?”

“It’s in my blood.”

“Anyway, I didn’t come up here to talk about your growing insanity.”

“What’s up?”

“I heard Trey looking for you. So you might want to make yourself scarce on the streets for a minute.”

“I’m not scared of Trey.”

“Neither am I, but you can’t get Naudia if you’re six feet under my nigga.”

“Alright, I guess you’re right.”

“Is that all? Or did you just miss me?”

“I want in.”

“In on what?”

“Whatever you’re doing, I want to get back at Jade.”

“Why? Because she left you butt ass naked and I had to come get you.” I laughed and he went to swing at me before lowering his fist.

“It wasn’t funny. She’s a stone hearted bitch for that and you know it.”

“Yeah, she is. Don’t jump into this fight if you’re not ready Antonio.”

“I want in.”

I nodded and we both turned and looked at the girls below us.



“Why are you being a bitch Chad? Show your face, I’m tired of looking for you.” Trey’s voice said into my voicemail.

He has called my phone with threats at least 20 times, and each time he got swerved. I know I was adding fuel to the fire, but that’s what I wanted. I wanted to piss him off, that way when I showed my face it would be brutal. I know I sound crazy, but it’s all a part of the plan. They were supposed to be throwing this big Halloween Bash this weekend and every one was going, including Naudia. He was just making this too perfect for me, and he didn’t even know it. Antonio also had something special planned for Jade that night. I couldn’t wait, everything was just falling right into place.


“Are you sure you want to go with me to the party? You do know Ty is going to be there?” I asked Jade as we went through the various aisles of costumes.

She had been staying with me since everything blew up in her face, literally. I didn’t mind though, she helped ease my mind of the Trey situation. Speaking of him, he sent me an invitation to the party so I’m guessing that’s a good sign. I didn’t think it was a god idea for Jade to go, but you couldn’t keep her from a party even if her life depended on it, and in this case I think it did.

“Yes I’m sure. I can wear a mask so he doesn’t know it’s me.” She replied.

“You can go as Jason.”

“No, not that kind of mask Naudia. I’ve decided I want to go as cat woman.”

“Why cat woman?”

“Because she’s hot and can kick ass.”

“And she’s a boost to your self-esteem.”

“Yeah, that too. Have you figured out what you are going as?”

“No, I really can’t think of anything.”

“I think you should wear something sexy that Trey can’t resist. Be a playboy bunny!”

“Ew Jade no, that’s slutty.”

“You’re a slut for your man.”

“You’re not funny.”

“I am, but I think you should actually wear something with easier access.”

“Oh gosh Jade, what are you trying to do.”

“Fix your relationship, now come on.”

She grabbed a few things off the rack and pulled me to the dressing room. After about an hour of disappointing head shakes from Jade and multiple costume changes, we decided on a police officer. The costume came with hand cuffs and Jade said they would be perfect for the “later” aspect of the night. I didn’t think it would affect Trey, he’s a whole other person when he’s mad. But at this point I would try anything to get my man back. I missed him so much.

“Earth to Naudia.” Jade said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

“Sorry, I got lost in thought.” I replied, walking to the car with her.

“I can see that, are you alright?”

“Yes I’m fine.”

She nodded and got into the car. She turned on the radio and we drove back to the house. We walked in to find Christian sitting across from our mom. My whole attitude changed at an instant. First issues with Trey, my best friend getting beat on, now this bitch decides to pop back up. She was a horrible mother in my eyes. After daddy died she started leaving the house more and more to the point that months would go by before I even saw her. As a young child I would forget sometimes I even had a mother till she showed her face. When my daddy died, so did she. This woman in front of me I no longer knew, I never wanted to know again.

“Surprised to see you home. What do you need this time? Clothes? Food? Oh let me guess, you want money.” I said dropping my bags onto the ground.

It’s been weeks since I had seen her face and it upset me even more to see the smile on her face.

“Naudia, come sit down.” Christian said still staring at mama.

“For what? What story did she tell you this time Christian? I know you’re not about to let her ass back in here.”

“Watch your mouth.” She said, the smile fading from her face.

“Watch my mouth? You want me to watch my FUCKING mouth. I’ll watch my DAMN mouth when I’m talking to my mother.”

“I AM your mother, or did you forget the 13 hours of labor I went through to birth your little ass. You will RESPECT me.”

“Respect you? You didn’t even respect us enough to stick around. Daddy died and I started seeing you less and less. What do you think he would say if he found out his wife was a drugged up hoe? Oh you didn’t think I knew that did you? Yeah I saw your ass with Beamer, pimp daddy of the city. Pull up your sleeves, let Christian see the track marks. Let him see who his precious mother really is.”

“That’s enough Naudia! Mama’s clean, look at her.” Christian said.

“I never knew you as that dumb. If you letting her back in here I’m leaving. I don’t got to take this shit.”

I picked up my bags I had dropped and pulled Jade out the door with me. Before Christian could make it out the door, I was already leaving skid marks on the street. I had too much on my mind right now to be dealing with her emotional roller coaster. If he wanted to deal with it then so be it, but Naudia was gone. And Naudia was going to be alright.

Hey guys, this is just a filler chapter. There will be another update soon. Next chapter will be the Halloween Bash, crazy things happen on Halloween. Hope you enjoy.

-Simone <3

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