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Chapter 13: I WONDER WHY?


Alex's POV:


Jensen meant it when he said: "This never happened." Because he really did behave as if we never talked in the parking lot that day.

He quickly reverted to his old ways. He still sent me flowers with a note, still called and talked as if nothing's changed. Trying to keep up with him was confusing, even going about my day trying not to think of him was taking a toll on me emotionally.

I for once wasn't avoiding him, I really needed to talk to him and set things straight but each time I tried, he would change the subject or pretend like something else urgently requires his attention, or just leave or hang-up.

I know it's not his fault, I caught him off guard that day with what I said, he's responding to it, just being his usual self- kind, and patient and somehow that makes it worse, couldn't he be cruel and uncaring, get angry and yell profanities, that would have made it a lot easier for me, but for the time being I just have to find a way, I don't have another option.

He affects me so much, without even knowing, his words, his actions, everything he does and even the things he would never do, all these hold the power to wreck me, and I can't knowingly put myself in such a vulnerable position. I won't.

Shaking my thoughts off I pulled my mind back to the present time.

It was a Friday morning and I had plans to finish some work before the weekend but, Jenny had other plans, she made me come over to her place and talk about her engagement party that was planned to take place in a couple of days. Since I have already missed a few gatherings, I had no excuse to get out of this one.

Apparently, after the engagement was announced, they wanted to throw a party and invite all of Kyle and Jenny's friends and family. And that entailed another round of shopping that I wasn't looking forward to.

I sat in a chair in their living room, pretending to discuss things with everyone as mom, and a few of Jenny's friends talked about the upcoming party. I feel like mom is just inventing new reasons just to throw a party so that she could plan it. It was the best of both worlds for her, a combination of work and familial duties.

Lydia came out of her room to greet us, sat next to me and smiled, "Alex, it's so great to see you, did you take a day off today?"

"No, my job was stolen from me this morning" I grumbled under my breath. Yes, my dad was finally successful in stealing my job for the day. I texted Jensen to let him know I wasn't at work, If my father got a flower bouquet, he'd probably be weirded out. But then again, maybe he'll be pleased....you never know with dad.

Looking up at Lydia I smiled and replied "wedding preparations Lyds! Why wouldn't I come." Sensing the obvious sarcasm in my words, Lydia laughed and shook her head at me.

"Despite your obvious distaste, I'm glad you came. Jensen told me about the deal with Carson Industries and how much you've helped, He said it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for you, and so I wanted to personally thank you." She smiled gratefully and that only made me embarrassed.

"If you're gonna be all sappy about it, I won't say you're welcome," I said playfully, not knowing a way to diffuse the sentimental energy.

Lydia thankfully laughed, and I felt lighter. "Fine, I guess that was enough mushy talk for today." she tapped my cheek fondly and stood up. "I'll go check on Jensen, he didn't even have breakfast yet..." She mumbled.

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