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Alex's POV:


I was sitting in my office, reviewing the figures and plots from last week when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to find a text message from Jensen that said, "If you refuse to move in with me, I'm moving in with you."

My eyebrows creased, but a smile tugged at my lips. I typed back, "Is that your attempt at a threat...?" Not at all working.

His reply came quickly, "It sure is, I own a drawer at your place, might as well make myself at home."

I chuckled, "Not a bad idea, may I ask what sparked this thought process?"

His message came in the next minute, "I'm done with work for the day, and now I'm confused which 'home' I should be driving towards..." I looked at the time to see it was past seven in the evening.

I laughed picturing his confusion, "That's quite a dilemma... if you want to fall asleep alone, that is..." I typed and pressed send. He didn't reply instantly and I knew I had given him something to think about.

I couldn't help but think of the day he accompanied me to the hospital.
After we got the reports we both went to see Dr Matthew and Jensen spoke with him very seriously, he asked some questions and enquired about possibilities.

For the first time in a while, there was someone with me to feel nervous about the results of my reports and for some reason, him being there with me, it felt right. Feeling relieved about the results and everything afterwards, it all felt right.

He was tensed the whole day even though he was trying hard not to let on. He was trying to be strong for me but when the results finally came out and we found out everything was normal he hugged me for a long moment, tight and desperately and I knew how terrified he had been.

His reply took a minute, but it finally arrived, the words said "I'll wait for you."

I laughed, gosh dang he's too sweet.

Suddenly, my office door opened and in walked my assistant Will. "Enjoying yourself while I fend off the wolves...it's not really fair."

"I wasn't-" He cut me off with his flat tone.

"Save the excuses... I know who it was, in his company you always glow like some bioluminescent algae." He said, and I frowned at his words.

"Is that the best comparison you could make?" I questioned.

He thought about it for a moment, "Jellyfish?" He said stiffly, and I blamed myself.

"Let's stick with the first one..." Rolling my eyes, I decided to change the subject. "What about the wolves?"

"I refuse to take any more of your phone calls," Will said instead of clarifying further, he held up some documents.

I frowned, "But that's your job."

"Yeah, I'm aware." He nodded.

"And you refuse to do your job? May I ask why?" I stared up at him as he rounded my desk, and placed the reports on the desk

"Because in the last three hours your mom, brother and soon to be sister-in-law, had called seven times and I'm running out of excuses for you, there's no way they believe you've been in a meeting for the last five hours." He said simply.

Twice In A Lifetime | Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now