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Chapter 25: UNDER WRAPS


Alex's POV:


After witnessing Kyle's near-death experience, everything sort of fell into place.

The near-death I talk about? Oh, it was when Jenny arrived with Lydia and her bridesmaids and saw Kyle happily laughing and enjoying drinks with Sam.

She started towards him ferociously, and the moment he saw her, he had already begun to apologise. "I know I shouldn't have gone, I should have listened to you, but I'm sorry, I'm really-"

His words were cut short when he was attacked by a fierce life-threatening hug, which none of us saw coming.

They hugged for a while, and then Jenny pulled away and punched his arm, exactly where I had punched him earlier. No one saw that coming either.


I cringed.

"Great! Now I'll be all bruised up like a peach tomorrow." Kyle concluded.

"And whose fault is that?" Jenny exclaimed.

I nodded agreeing with Jenny, from where I stood a few feet away, Sam said: "You bought it upon yourself bro."

Kyle shot his best man a caustic look, but turned back to Jenny and said "Mine. It's my fault and I'm sorry."

Wise choice.

That's what you have to say your whole life Kyle, better practice.

He apologized some more, and then the next thing I know, they were being all grossly lovey-dovey again.

Oh dear lord, I need to sanitize my eyes.

I stepped towards the open bar to get myself a drink and saw Josh and Jensen sitting there talking. Josh was the one talking while Jensen was looking at me. He's been doing that for a while now and I mentally groaned, at his blatant conspicuousness.

Sam broke away from the couple and walked towards me, "Hey gorgeous." He flirted as usual as he pulled me into a hug. I could see Jensen tense up in his seat as he looked at us.

"Don't let my boyfriend hear that, he could get a little possessive," I said, almost casually, almost as if it wasn't a big deal.

Sam froze in shock, his expressive face was painted in disbelief as he looked at Jensen and then at me. Jensen didn't even try to mask the glare he was shooting at Sam. "Nooo, you mean-..... Really?!"

I laughed at his reaction and nodded.

"Finally everything worked out huh?" He said and I smiled.

"Thanks for your help," I said.

"You're welcome." Sam said, "But, I don't understand, why are you here....while he's all the way over there?" He asked.

I looked in the direction of my mom, "Why do you think?"

He caught on and then laughed. "Of course, if she finds out she'll force you to get married straight after Kyle."

"Right!" I nodded. "I can't deal with her, although Jensen disagrees..."

"No wonder he's been giving you those longing looks from across the room for the past hour now." Sam smirked as he looked at him, "and now he looks like he's plotting my murder. Nice."

"Urgh... he's so obvious." I groaned and He laughed.

"Alright enough about me, tell me about this girl you mentioned." I said with wide curious eyes, "What's her name?"

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