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Alex's POV:


I had the rest of the day to myself and Jensen refused to leave my side. I wasn't inclined to the thought of going home during working hours, but Will and Jensen insisted that I take a break and give my brain a much-needed rest. I reluctantly agreed, knowing that I won't get another day to myself until the weekend.

Jensen was ready to tag along all geared up and armed with his suitcase (I hadn't realised he had left it down at the security,) well... he did say he came straight from the airport....

He offered to cook when we got home, and since I was crap at cooking I agreed and allowed him to do whatever he wished since lunchtime was long gone, and I was hungry. He had gotten rid of his coat and waistcoat, his shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and his tie was loose around his neck as he worked, I just sat near the counter watching him, and helping him with the ingredients and chopping up vegetables.

"Who taught you cooking?" I asked, leaning on the counter as he worked with a bit of dough, he had kneaded it well and was now shaping it into adorable little farfalle pieces.

"College." He replied a small smirk played on his lips. "I used to survive on eggs, frozen pizza and instant noodles for a while until I taught myself some basic dishes and then from there, it was all about experimenting."

"The only thing I can make surprisingly well is pancakes, my experimentation has gone awfully wrong and sometimes my smoke alarm feels very inclined to be involved," I told him, and he chuckled.

"Well, then I'll be the one to cook and you can clean..." He suggested, and I raised an eyebrow at his words. He talked as if very soon we were moving in together, somehow the thought of it wasn't so unpleasant.

"Deal," I said, and he looked surprised with my response, almost as if he was bracing for something else.

He smiled and went back to cooking, as he finished up with shaping and then checked the water temperature and then added the fresh pasta into the boiling water, "I've been meaning to ask, when is your next check-up scheduled?"

That question was somehow weird coming from Jensen, I was used to it from my family and close friends, but not from him... it was another reminder of how different things were. I cleared my throat and answered his question, "Next Thursday, I have a check up every two months."

"Can I come with you?" he asked warily, as he stirred the saucepan.

That made me freeze up, "Won't you be busy?"

"I'll rearrange a few things, It's not a big deal." He said, shrugging.

"Jensen, you don't have to..." I said, looking up at him, it would probably bring back bad memories for him, and wishing otherwise was absolutely meaningless.

He rounded the counter to stand next to me, and I turned to face him. " I want to, Alex, so can I?" He asked again, staring deep into my eyes like he could see all my sadness, insecurities and vulnerabilities that I concealed from everyone, and as much as this thought terrified me, it also gave me strength that I didn't know existed within me.

I just nodded, "And it's okay if you change your mind." I told him.

I smiled, "Okay." He mumbled, and then leaned down to press a chaste kiss to my forehead, before walking back to his side of the counter, and resumed cooking.

He worked quickly as he tossed and mixed the cooked pasta with its sauce and added sauteed veggies and mushroom on top, finishing it off with a dash of pepper. From the aroma of the dish, I could already tell it was amazing.

He then served it into two plates, and gave one to me, while I grabbed him another stool. We sat and ate the delicious food he made, as we talked.

He told me about his business trip to Japan, and about the new sales executive, he's hired who wasn't half as good as me. I of course knew that because of Kate, but I let him rant.

In return, I told him about my ridiculous work schedule and about some sexist board of directors who thought a woman couldn't run a company, the shocking part was that some woman among them agreed.

But it was entertaining to see Jensen get mad at that, and then he cursed them even though he hardly knew them.

There was a cheesecake in my fridge that we shared as a dessert, and talked some more and laughed and the day passed by in a blink of an eye.

I cleaned up since he cooked, but he didn't leave me alone, Jensen stood behind me hugging me from the back, his chin resting on my shoulder as he talked and watched me while I loaded up the dishwasher, after storing the leftovers in the fridge.

After I was done, I turned in his arms, looking up at him and locking my arms around his neck while his arms slipped down to my waist.

"Hey, there," I said.

"Hey, love." He replied as his grey eyes glinted, making me blush.

"Any chance you're gonna let me go, so I can take a shower?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"No, we should just shower together, save water and all..." He smirked, and I chuckled.

"I walked right into that one." I acknowledged, and he nodded.

"Yeah, you did," he said. I dragged my hands to the front of his shirt, and took hold of his tie, pulling it loose. He watched me with curious eyes, and spoke, "I like where this is going."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't get any ideas, I was recently learning how to tie a tie, let me see if I can do it."

He raised a brow at my words, "You were trying to learn, why?" He asked.

"Just because..." I answered vaguely.

"Just because you wanted to keep me on a tight leash?" he suggested, and I laughed.

"Well, that...and because we'll be going on a lot of formal events together, and next time I give you a tie, I want to put it on you myself," I told him, feeling a little flustered from that admission.

His smile was so wide, it was blinding, and then he swooped in to claim my lips in a kiss so sweet, it felt like I was floating and forgot about everything else that possibly could have occupied my mind. My eyes closed as I ran my fingers through his hair while pressing closer still, kissing him with every fibre in my being and shivered at every touch and every breath we shared.

When we pulled away he rested his forehead to mine before slowly opening his eyes and staring into my brown ones, he then whispered in his husky voice "You don't know what you do to me..."

There was a slight kiss induced drunkenness to his words that sent my emotions like a whirlwind which was absolutely maddening in the best kind of way. My heartbeats echoed in my ears as I looked into his molten silver eyes, but looking at his tie, which was clearly tied up in the wrong way made me gasp.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I think I've ruined your tie... I was focusing on it, why did you have to distract me?" I scolded, and that only made him burst into laughter which was quickly becoming my favourite sound.

"I happen to like distracting you." He said simply.


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I can't express how grateful I am, for your support.

I'll soon be back with another update.


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