Forget Me Not

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Note before reading:

This story will consist of some third person chapters, like this one, however most will be POV's

Forget-Me-Nots scattered the now silent battlefield; a graveyard for the unburied. Bitter wind swept the hillside, the ground slick with rain.

Aurora sighed heavily, their people had lost. She'd begged them not to fight, she knew the painful eventuality, but now she'd get to witness it for herself.

Distaste curled her lip.

A thick pungent stench of metallic blood lingered in the air; the stained forest floor and it's drenched autumn leaves painted a coppery red scene, nature mourning the lives that had been lost.

Fists clenched unconsciously, knuckles turning white at the sudden pressure, nails slicing the skin, droplets of blood trailing down to the floor as a wave of frustration flooded her.

"This shouldn't have happened." She muttered to Eric, one of the council members of their small community.

Eric's arms swayed simultaneously, he was unable to keep them still. He felt nervous, he knew whatever had happened here was far from over.

Eric respected Aurora a lot, in fact he rarely tended to disagree with her when it came to the more serious matters. They were close friends, their pasts had put them through a lot together. They knew each other well, how they worked, what made them tick, but it was only a friendship. Nothing more. They'd been outvoted by the other members of the council, they thought it was time to stand up for themselves and try to revolt, but both him and Aurora knew the enemy was too strong for that. The battle would have been like child's play.

The wind started to turn merciless.

A scout who'd surveyed the battleground quickly approached them, delivering a message to Eric before quickly starting to retreat back to their town of Ravaeyn.

"They've captured over half of them. They'll have been taken for inspection and will probably be interrogated and reassigned. The rest we'll arrange to be brought back to Ravaeyn for a proper burial." Eric notified Aurora softly, he knew the news would upset her.

Her insides quivered but her face set hard. They both knew what that meant, but neither of them said anything else on the subject. They didn't need to.

Now they'd been captured their fate wasn't in their hands anymore.

She'd devoted her life to their small community. Growing up she'd been trained in combat, agility and her parents regularly gave her books to read. Aurora was well versed, and she respected her parents for bringing her up in such a way. She never understood why all those years ago, but now she knew it was to ensure her survival.

Her parents went missing shortly after her sixteen birthday. Now she was twenty three. She never knew exactly what happened to them or if they were even alive. All she knew was that they'd been captured. They'd been part of a secret resistance group. After their dissaperance she resided with her uncle, being a stricked man he'd never let her go hunting for her parents. He said it was too dangerous and Aurora knew he was right.

Instead, she'd taken up her spot as a council member in the small town. There were six of them in total. Their job was to keep the town safe, it was that simple.

Today they'd failed.

Even though it wasn't her fault for what had happened she felt guilty. The people had been let down. Now that blood had been spilled she knew they'd be back, especially since the people of Ravaeyn had lost. They'd have demands, and if those weren't met the war would contuine. The captured people would never be allowed back to the settlement, they didn't belong to the town anymore. She knew they'd given up that right when they'd been taken. It was how it went.

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