A Brief Escape

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⭐️" Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it." 🌙

Dylan launched forward, abruptly pushing the bodies from his path as his wolf threatened to surface; murderous black specs, pulsating eyes. The beast was becoming rather difficult to contain.

Inhaling deeply his chest raised rapidly, acclerating sharply as his mates scent invaded his nostrils; a harsh growl emerging from his inner beast.

An offensive odour tarnished the scent, he inhaled again, distinguishing it easily as the human males from the council who they'd easily persuaded to help their cause cowered in fear.

Fists tightening, a quicker stride developing as the feeble human council members bowed, canines itching, almost begging to rip out their throats.

"Dylan!" His mother cautioned, her voice accompanied by a sudden grasp on his forearm, the owner of the restraining arm being his beta.

"Listen to your mother." He mummered lowly, trying to reason with his Alpha. The bloodshed of these humans wouldn't help the situation with their destined Luna.

Taking a deep breath his demeanour calmed slightly, reining in the beast his eyes glanced over the situation infront of him.

The box was locked, the key gone, whilst their unsigned contract rested on the top.

"You've failed." He sneered icely, glaring at the humans who unconsciously kept their distance.


Gamma Dimitri's cheeky grin curved as he watched the scene unfold, cruelty seeping through. Flexing his muscles a long resignating crack travelled the room.

"What should we do with them, Alpha?" 

"Nothing..." He drawled out, but little did they know, the small ounch of hope was quick to be demolished.

"Starve their families, no food for three days. They however will eat daily whilst those dear to them will watch. If they refuse to eat I'm sure measures can be taken to make them more cooperative." He threatened, snickering whilst turning away as guards held the men in place. "Maybe then my instructions will be taken more seriously."


Aurora's POV

The suns devilish rays poked out from the clouds, shimmering down branches, dancing on leaves, teasing small animals as they hunted down their prey.

"I'll miss this place." I drew out in contempt.

Lake Mystica

The water while calm had so many differant hues of blue, reflecting the bright blue sky, near the shore of the lake it was pale blue, nearly translucant, as it got deeper it changed from pale blue to deep deep dark blue, the trees on the far side of the lake reflecting in the water. With it being fall, the leaves were in full colour, and as the lake rippled, they seemed to dance with a life of thier own. Clear crystal water, it shone like a million little diamonds when each ray of the sun hit the surface.

Eric and I sat beside each other on a couple of logs, clothes brushing as we both exhaled deeply; makeshift fishing ropes in hand. 

The ruffled waters camouflaged the silver darts, prancing almost effortlessly as they glistened towards the light.

"Concentrate." The word tauntingly, yet accompanied by a cheeky smirk, effortlessly rolled from my tongue, "I'd hate to embarrass you by catching them all."

The fish started to head up stream, choosing to relax in the shallows. My hand flexed, lungs of fresh air combined with nature's tranquil ballad guided all my senses into a natural flow. Fish soon hit the line, being pulled up and placed in the nearby basket.

"Impressive." Eric noted, "but, you're sadly one off from beating me." He grinned, showing off the extra fish as if it were a prized possession.

"That's hardly impressive, follow me." Pulling Eric forward, we slipped through a herd of trees; allowing him to discover my hidden oasis.

The waterfalls were a Mediterranean blue; majestic and magical. Carelessly swishing over the rocks joyfully, before thundering down into the pool like a gigantic water spout. Water toppling into the ecstasy-pool, it foamed at the bottom. A passage at the foot of the mountain threw up bubbles of spray. They sparkled uneasily in the dying light and shimmered like ghostly stars.

We walked along the edge of the rocks, leaving the swollen noise of the large pool behind. Naturally I focused on the humming of the water; the tips of the rock pierced by the waters steady force. It was still a mixture of sound, but it had a gentler slushiness to it. Just then, the sun reappeared. Its rays caught the watery slide, giving it a trance-like quality.

"It really is something." Eric gushed in awe; bewildered by the sight in front of him.

"That's putting it lightly."

Crouching next to a bed of water, I allowed my fingers to loosely run against the currents rhythm. Eric's eyes filling with a mischievous glint.

"Don't you dare." The warning was playful as his eyes drifted to the stream of water only a hand reach away.

His eyes brimmed with tears of mirth, and the smile tugging his lips broke into a grin; completely enveloping his face.

This was war....

Multiple droplets of water smothered across my face like an army as Eric's hand emerged from the water.

I froze, Eric was laughing like an infant.

In retaliation I send my own wave of freezing water back in his direction. The water moves softly around my outstretched fingers, caressing cooly, eddying in their wake. I pull my hand out and watch the drips, both transparent and opaque at the same time; rush in fury and smacking into Eric's now flushed cheeks.

"Let's call it karma, buttercup." I grinned smugly.

Tucking away towards a tree towards the back I quickly found the tree which I'd hidden some spare clothing. Tossing the bag at Eric I laughed as his face lit with confusion.

"Fuck it, I'm having a swim! You in?"

Eric grinned, "Off course."

Going behind the trees, I was quick to strip until I was left in a top, bra and underwear.

The water envelops me as closely as my own skin as I slowly lowered myself in. Every wound from the recent fight stings as the salted water  washes them; at least helping to prevent infection. I wince as it swirls without mercy, penetrating to the cells that should be protected by smooth skin but lie open and raw.

Eric looked concerned as a small hiss escaped my lips, but I was quick to reassure him with a small smile. Our friendship was a safety net.

"I'm ok." I whispered.

Swimming creates buoyancy, a sense of freedom as the water effortlessly flows between limbs. We were quick to swim, enjoying the coolness against our skin. Laughing as we'd occasionally splash one another, a brief escape from our harsh reality.

Before I knew it, we were changed in spare clothes and trudging back along the soft, damp moss of the forest path. The tree's soft whisper against the wind was like a lullaby, soothing and warm. It was so welcoming and calm. We'd decided to head to the centre of town so that we could distribute the fish amongst the people. The lake was situated at the boarder, close to the edge. We sauntered through a natural avenue of trees, it is shady, dark and cool almost cold.

"I've been thinking Aurora." Eric started softly as the village centre came back into view. "We should go to Edora, to help these people and those there like otherselves, but it must be on our own terms."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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